

Last Minitute -life
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round.
Is is life about earning money?Is it life for love?Is it life for live Smart?Is it life for spirituallity?Is it life for adventure?Is it life for travel?...then what is a purpose of life?🤔we can figure out only through experience it..Touch the stone and see what is in there?.. You cannot find the purpose of life as a reader of a book,As a writer you can understand the purpose of your life .
Life is not a cream of a cake.It has many twist and turn ..the way you approach is became a memory or bitter.life is not stable always..if too stable there ..no success is possible..
Failure and mistake are the base for success.So make as much as mistake..mistake is the process of learning...APPLE founder steave job nearly 20 years he worked in his garage.before he reached success ,he met tons of faliure..whatever happened he still focus his attention in to his work.. later it become a million dollar company with 4000 employee.Successfull person born with small ideas.Do what your heart say....with courage.!!👍
life is a race ...everywhere people work like a machine...life is too mechanical..no one is ready to pamper us..showing emotion is pointless.Some are always thinking about past break up ,past loss,..past mistakes..are worthless..let it go..move on..Firstly,the past few decades we depend on technology..I think next few decades technology is going to depend us..there is no feelings..lack of emotions.
World is going to change a lot..after 2030.Company is not only focus IQ,EQ, mainly company focus on love,love other,care them too😘..At the same time ,hardwork is not enough..look around there is a competion for creativity,there is the competition for imagination,there is a competition for learning ,there is a competition for knowledge.so be a competive spirit in you.
Every minute is precious if you waste your precious time you cannot get it back..do every thing quality base ..save minutes....competion everywhere..if you refuse one opportunity 1000 people are ready to accept that..ofcourse life give you many chance and opportunity..you have to redesign yourself..recreate and modify yourself..that is what for second chance ...holding past failure,lost, mistakes,critism take back to the darkage..leave the past...life give you second chance, its a gift use it properly and change your life..
If you are breathing ,you are just alive but if you live ,then you find the chances....opportunity are endless!!!🤩
Before find the opportunity..you must know the true value of uuuuu.What is the value of me.?..How that is possible..?opportunity are endless.you cannot fit for everything..you have to find out where you aptly suitable .You must know what is your strength and weakness? Without knowing your value..what is the point of racing the life..it will trouble you..and you are the last contestant in this life race.
Decide your value.keep yourself where you get most valued.then its easy to win the race.If not you are the looser..what ever hard work you gave its waste of time.😘👍