

The Kiss
I have been waiting since six o'clock but my cutest wife wouldn't just get out of her dressing room.
"Marie, we can't wait for a thousand years MORE- I will desicate waiting here for you. Come on darling !
Either you come out in 2 minutes or I am leaving for the New Year Party alone. Do you Hear me- ALONE."

"Oh don't be such a sweetheart honey. Just a minute more and I am ready"
Marie replied with such love and care.

She has always treated me with great affection from the start. We started dating in high school. From fifteen to thirty we have come a long way since. She is the very cause of my existence-

My love
My life
My laugh
My happiness
My pride
My Everything
My wife

"okay as you say Marie.... it's always as you say"
I sighed knowing how much I loved her and how much she loved me. I wouldn't let anyone harm her single hair let alone she herself.

"Stefie I'm ready"
she called out my name in a sly manner.

"Margaret Gates, it's Stefan not 'Stef with an e'. Understand ?"

"oh I do understand it, Mr. not 'Stef With an e'."
she joked on me and started laughing.

Her laugh was the only thing I wanted to hear. The sound of her being herself, without her skin for me and her transparency made me wonder-
How Did I got so lucky?

I was all lost in my thoughts when she put her
chubby little hand on my shoulder and put into words the deep recesses of her heart
"How do I look, Stef?"

I turned around fast to see my beautiful wife and I was stone cold.

All adorned in artistic gold,
I saw an angel drop from heaven.
Her cocoa colour had the complexion
Of serene beauty.
Her eyes were glittering,
Full with love and passion.
She wasn't like the other human forms,
Slim and sharp.
She was something simple,
Real and Ravishing.
She had flesh on herself,
An everlasting curve.
She was all that I wanted,
All that I needed.

She took my breath away. I was shocked to see her beauty.

"what ?"
she was scared thinking I didn't liked her looks. Why wouldn't I ? She was carrying our very first child in her womb and still she looked the best. I couldn't believe myself it had been seven months since we conceived our baby.

"You are drop-dead-gorgeous my dear. I love you so much."
I commented in amazement.
I hugged her and brought her close to my chest.

"Shall we go Mr. Gates?"

"Yes, ofcourse Mrs. Gates."

I escorted my lovely better half to the party. We entered the premises and all began looking at us. Not because we were stars but because we had an extraordinary chemistry with each other.

I went to the bar to have a drink or two while Marie went for a chat with her besties. It was a fun time but not for long.

When me and my male counterparts were Brahms and Liszt, my friend Harry who has been accused of infidelity a number of times, had the guts to suggest
"Shall we get some girls, mate?"
in his rather unfamiliar Australian accent.

This was scandalous and demeaning. I shouldn't have listened to him but I did. I was too juiced to clearly anyomore.

"She shouldn't know it by any means."

"I will make sure."
He replied me assuring that he will handle everything.

Then there came a slutty girl towards me. I knew what I was doing isn't right. I stopped her from laying hands on me but I wasn't in my senses.

All I remember is my wife crying looking at me. I was supposed to be the one to protect her from tears but it was me who let them flow. I broke me as much as it did broke her.

She left the party crying and I tried to stop her apologize her for the deed I had committed and promise to be hers for this lifetime and many more to come. But I couldn't. I lay unconscious-unable to move my feet and hands. All I felt was utter pain and devastation.

I muttered as my words stammered.

I blacked out for an hour, I guess.
I didn't woke up until I got a call from the NHR hospital-
"Hello, sir. Sorry to say but your wife has been admitted to our hospital just. few minutes ago. Her condition is quite serious, sir. She got hit by a dunkard truck driver.
um.. please report in asap."

" I'm dreaming. Please God tell me I am dreaming. Please....God I beg you."
I started crying and shouting.
My life took a bizarre turn just because of my one single action. 

I left the party at around 10:00pm and straight took a cab to #45 St. Mary Street- on my way to NHR Hospital.
I was really feeling how wrong I was to even think like that. I wondered how she must be crying out her heart that my darling didn't saw the truck coming and..

I can't .
I don't want to.

All I wanted was to be re-united with my precious wife.
I reached hospital by 10:15pm and rushed to the lobby.
"Margaret Gates,28 -umm.. car accident"
I spoke hap-hazardly.

"Floor III- West lobby Room -2"
receptionist told me where my love was.

I rushed through people, along different floors, slow lifts and number of turns. Finally there I stood, before Room-2.
I tried to open the door but I couldn't.
I was scared. Too belittled to face Marie.
But she needed me .

I gathered up all my strength and focused it on my hand and opened the door.

"AHH.. my sweetheart. What has happened to you"
I stormed to her and held her hand.

Her condition was terrible-One that no one could bear. Her legs were fractured completely and her intestine had internal bleeding. Her golden dress was marked by deep red blood. Her shimmering face was laid flaccid and pale by the injuries.

"It's gonna be alright dear. I'm here. I'm yours Forever and ever"
I ran my hand over her head and comforted her.

Anesthesiologist gave her anesthesia and began to operate. I begged lord for his mercy upon my dearest.
"Take my life but not hers" were my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Mister Gates but you have to make a tough chioce right now" lead doctor addressed me.

My heart started pounding and my legs began shivering.
"What Doc?"

"There is a complexity. We can save only one life. Either your wife or your child. Who do you want it to be?"

WHAT ?My mind exploded .
Really ?My own first baby, my blood.
Oh God! My soulmate,my wife.

"What my child or my wife ?Can there be anything else you could do to save both of them ? Please Fix, I need them- they are my life !!!!"

"Gate, You are not just my patient but my friend too. Had there been any single chance to save both, I would have told you. She has lost way too much blood now. But let me tell you, Your baby girl has more chances of survival. Gates-its now or Never"

I came on my four and started crying.
Whom should I save- My child who had more chances to live or my wife ?

"My wife....save Marie" I replied.

The operation was a partial success- My wife went into coma and only ventilator was keeping her alive. Doctors advised to take off ventilation because it was hurting Marie too. They wanted me to set her free.

So, it was what I did.

"I love you Mrs. Gates. I will always love you only."
I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear.

© Raymn