

Eclipse (A quick shadowing).
An eclipse that happened too quickly.
A phenomenon in which sun and moon compete for space in the sky.
Eclipse: Astronomers consider eclipse as an outcome of the natural interaction of the major components of the earth system viz the sun the earth and the moon. some traditional adherents to the unknown consider eclipses as vibrations from God in reactions to human inconsistent behaviors. Consequent upon these definitions, eclipse events have led to mixed efforts of tears, suspicion, superstitions, inquires, surprises, enjoyments, economic benefits and losses
and the extreme cases they constitute health hazards to humans.
Solar eclipse happens so fast, a total solar eclipse occurs when the moon completely cover's the sun's disk, solar prominences
can be seen (in red) as well as extensive coronal filaments. Though the shadow is narrow and the total eclipse lasts for only
minutes, because the moon's shadow moves at 1,700 km per hour! A total solar eclipse occurs on earth roughly every 18 months. But the moon's shadow only covers a part of the earth's surface. Our planet rotates fast enough to bring the shadow a third of the way around earth's surface before the moon removes out of alignment with the sun. The shadow travels across space very fast. It is also very short-lived as the moon is moving quickly away from its perfect location of being situated between the sun and earth. Enthusiasts known as eclipse chasers travels to remote locations to see solar eclipses. A "charming explore" for them.
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Mishra Poonam