

The Poor Lad Living on the Slum
A young lad was living on his own in the slum. His parents abandoned him when he was seven. He became one of those street children, begging people to give them alms. He was like that until an old man adopted him, but eight years had passed the old man died because of an illness.

The boy is still in mourning but he remembered what the old man told him before closing his eyes.

" Son, b-be be-brave and continue on cha-chasing your dreams. I am always here to guard you."

"I will father! I will keep our promise even though we're not blood-related but you love me like your own son. You may now rest in peace," the boy cried while hugging the old man.

After that, the 15-year-old boy tried to look for a job. When he was a primary student, he sells candies and at the same time studying. During his secondary and college, he looked for a job that can sustain his daily needs and enough for him to survive. He finds it difficult but he's determined to reach success. Years had passed, he became successful. He's now a CEO in his own company.

He once said, " Life is like a roller coaster ride, you may go up, you may go down but if you ride it, in the end, you will still enjoy it."

No matter what's your status in life if you lack hard work you will never reach the peak of success. Always have the courage and be motivated.

—The End

© @Bulak