

i wrote a poem 2
I wrote a poem, but I won't let anyone read it,
because someone told me that I'm a terrible writer, just because I often discuss the dark sides of life instead of empowering humanity and spreading positivity. They could not see that taboo, depression, war, and chaos are works of art that only reflect the science of life.

I wrote a poem, but I won't let anyone read it,
because I'm afraid that I may promote my own interests. The Bible accused me of a crime for enjoying this kind of freedom, which I disclaim because my intent was to provide a much clearer picture of human lifestyle, not to gather followers in my own misconstrued footsteps.

I wrote a poem, but I won't let anyone read it,
because it's about dangerous things: government, politics, and religion. They're risky issues. If I disagree, I'll be shut in the head before my conscience. If I take my side, I'll be accused of betrayal of my own culture and citizenship. If I open my eyes, I'll be totally blinded.

I wrote a poem, and I'd rather keep it in my drawer than discuss my depression with people who see it as a practical sadness.

© ubik