

My kinda summer daysss......
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge and enjoy the sunset at the evening which seems to be orangish yellow and the sky seems to be yellow , orange and red at the end as a thin layer and seems to be mixed up together giving a beautiful pleasant evening.... My grandma who makes the snacks and arrives near me to give them and sat near me and tells about the story how her life was which sometimes make me feel emotional....sometimes bored because hearing the same again and again....sometimes feels like 'why wouldn't I born that time?' and those where golden days tells the grandma....there comes my mom and grandma finishing the shopping and come my uncle who returned back home fron the office. We started to talk eachother having snacks and tea which tastes sooo good...my mouth had a taste of green cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and the sugar....those made my Saliva secrets moreeeeee and moreeeeee.... we together make the dinner and have them together and it was about 8'o clock and my brother came who gave us a delicious food and we all had the dinner together and at the late night me, my uncle and my grandpa would watch the match and enjoy them and we have a bedtime stories from my grandma to sleep.... and this was the routine summer days during holidays and we used to for a family trip and come back home with beautiful memories which stayed in our hearts forever 💕❤️
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