

corporate mazdoor
The morning rush after a late night preparation has become quite a trend today. High perks do not come alone but are a package which includes non stop communication, uninterrupted schedules of work, conferences and con calls where all that is done is exchange of ideas , thoughts, opinions which delay the functioning of the day to day work. The tall buildings try to incorporate as many as they can with all being adjusted in cubicles which looks more like a maze , with someone new trying to find you in your place. You definitely not being there as you are addressing or being answerable to what has been left undone or delayed , not because of negligence but by being part of an hour meeting where all you were doing was listening and trying to understand the spontaneous monologue of those in authority. Happy you were to have found a place in these places , lucky to have been selected or being the chosen one after a long process of applying and then an interview where questions seemed irrelevant , yet you cracked them right .
The daily bread earner, working in esteemed air conditioned offices, a sense of pride that fills not you but more your family. You know how these attractive places seem to function. Did you ask for leave? If it is a yes, then there is no way you can be sure you are granted. Doesn’t it remind you of the school days where taking leave even for a day made you answerable. If you do get leave the office does not leave you alone for it is your sole companion. The calls need to be answered, the mails need to be addressed too and you juggle between a holiday and work, whichever not attended you seem to be in trouble. After all you are a wage earner who keeps shuffling from one chamber to another just to fulfill the wishes of those sitting at home. Life is not easy even if you are in your seat of this cubicle. Every morning you leave home and every night you return , still on a call , not to unwind but to finish all that was left pending just because you were an audience in the room of the stalwarts, who never bother to cut it short and not realising that what is left undone is because what was being done in the conference room did not need an hour to be explained.
Corporate life is all fancy as it looks to all who aspire to be there one day. Dreams are fulfilled in places like these, is the notion that all have. Once you are there you realise that if you look outside the window and see, the labour working in the most natural environment, sweating it out , just to earn his daily bread is tired not because he wasted time and worked late nights, but because he worked hard enough to go home on time to give his tired bones rest . While you sit in the most comfortable of places , sweating not because you physically worked hard but you mentally balance out all that is left to be done, tired of work that never seems to end and answers never satisfying. Life of a corporate mazdoor.