

Oh my homeland!

Though it took me longer than expected to get used to you, though I regretted this decision of coming to you, though there were times of pain and agony, though it was a constant struggle to just smile and move on, though I wasn't able to make sense of what you were trying to tell me, though I thought it was you who deprived me of my good times, though I thought it wouldn't be difficult to leave you behind, RIGHT NOW! At this very moment, it hits me really hard!.. Because unknowingly, at some point in life you've become a part of me.. I realise that I couldn't understand you because I didn't know your complex yet beautiful language.. And now that I'm slowly learning it..,with a heavy heart, I realise, to the freshness of your water, to the purity of your air, to the beauty of your sunrises that sets fire to the horizon, to the beauty of your sunsets that paint the sky pinkish violet, to the beauty of your dark nights embedded with the watery pale moon and the twinkling stars, to the music of your pelting rains that quench mother earth's thirst, to your bright mornings that bring rays of hope, to your silent evenings that bring answers to numerous unanswered questions..to the BONDS THAT HOLD US TOGETHER.. to the FEELING OF BELONGING.. to the FEELING CALLED HOME.... NOTHING WILL EVER COMPARE..

As I set out on a new journey bidding a temporary goodbye, seeking new experiences, new lessons , new people, new adventures, OH MY HOMELAND, I'll always remember you.. After all, "HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS"..
© Gayathri Mukund