

The observer
When I moved to Japan I noticed that I was broken. I was the outcast in school and I was different uncle and my grandma. I started to think that I was a mistake and I wasn't supposed to be born. I started having trouble in school and then a student at school picked a fight with me. I didn't fight back like I didn't see why too. My uncle made me switch schools and then he taught me how to act with emotions. Life became a but easier but I still saw no point on me trying. One day a girl confessed to me and I told her that I saw no point in dating her. For some reason she left crying. I told my uncle and then I learned something nee about emotions. If you tell someone the brutal truth they will feel more hurt. If I lied the pain might have not hurt as much but to other people it could hurt even more then saying the brutal truth. Why are people so difficult to understand? When will I be able to understand emotions? Will it always be this difficult to understand people? When I went back to school another girl came towards me and slapped me. She was the girl who confessed to me friend. The other girl was in the back crying. I didn't understand what was going on. It's not like I hurt her physicaly. I still needed to learn more. When I went home my mom came to visit me. She took me back to New York with her.

© Samantha_Ayala