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The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? She was scared out of her wits. She waited for awhile but there was nothing more, so she calmed down a bit and laid on her bed.
No sooner had she laid on her bed, the sound of feets shuffling came to her alert ears. She jerked up again. As the sound of the feets shuffling came nearer, so did her heart continue to beat faster.
Soon, the shuffling of feets stopped and she held her breath inorder to hear the slightest sound. As she began to hope that the owner of the feet has made his or her way out of the vicinity of her home, she heard a knock on the door, faint, slight, gentle, like the caress of the wind. It was like it did not even happen. It was like the knock was an imagination.
The knock came again. This time, louder, clearer and... boldly? She was terrified but then she heard a voice, a voice she missed and dreaded. A voice she would give jade to hear and diamond to not listen to. A voice she longed for and still wish to kill.
The voice told her to open the door. Was she to open it. She did not know whether to open the door or not but her feet took her slowly to the door and then her hands held tightly onto the door knob and before she knew it, she opened the door. Why did she do that? Was it because she needed answers to those heartbreaking questions?
"You..." She muttered as she came face to face with him. His once handsome face was now covered with beards and wrinkles. His hair was full and unkempt. His naturally dark eyes seemed darker and had lost its light. His cherry blossom lips were now pale. His large hands grabbed her little ones and she could feel that the softness that once adorned those palms were gone. Still, she loved the touch.
What was she doing? How could she? Did she just open the door for him? The thief? The murderer? The drug lord? The convict? The one who obviously broke out of prison? The criminal the whole city despised? The criminal that charmed her heart?
"Reena"He tenderly called. "I didn't do anything! I was wrongly accused..." That was it. That was the last straw. She pulled him into her house and hugged him tightly.
"I missed you, Ray." She cried softly.
"I missed you too, Reena. I've been released, Reena. I'm free, my innocence has been proved. I'm not related to all those sins. You must believe me." He cried on her shoulders.
"I believe you, Ray" She said softly.
He was happy.
In this case, was it not a happily ever after? It sure was.

© Crownwalks