

Age had not fallen upon the world till the Red God bled of cosmic consciousness and possibility. Exiled by the Ten Eyes of the universe, he had emerged into the instinctive shadowy planet that had no name, eventually to have realized his horrid damaging.

There he emerged,——vigintillions of supreme years had passed since King Castros had sat down on the gilded throne at the end of time to begin the new timeliness, and the Red God had attempted to slay him. An exultation, however, rose inside of the blood-coloured deity still. A god, he had been. But there he was stronger——he was his own king! He thought he was the ruler of the nameless planet.——

He had been a slave of Time itself no longer, so he laughed. Who was to stop him? His damaging was unimportant, he thought, and the Red God walked through the unpleasurable scarlet desert of cosmic dust. He knew he was doomed, but he did not care.

Then there, as he roamed through the old desert, he found a small barbaric tribe of lawless aliens, and they had attacked him fearsomely. Their speed and skill was incredible! Yet out of the blue, very hastily, the god had been knocked out abruptly, surprisingly and bafflingly.

When he had awoke, he was being carried away by some strange, advanced, rustic car of steel. He was tied up, and couldn't move; he could not shriek, but the weird wistful wind of the desert shrieked for him, and in despair he shivered. He felt, for the first time, the sensation of fear, and he did not at all like it. Still the barbaric aliens wailed childishly and savagely, jumping and playing mockingly at the so-called 'god'. For hours they all drove the scarlet deity was blinded by the flash of a strange, unknown colour.

When finally he had been brought back to clear sight, he recognized the blood-coloured dust that played in the air without aim. They dwelt through the desert for hours, and finally found a great stone castle if the true king of the nameless planet. But why'd they brought him there? As the car had pulled up at the entrances, ten gaurds came to escort the Red God to the prison.

As he screeched in detestation and horror, the gaurds locked him away in a large cell of onyx walls. It had been, he learned, a greatly celebrated tradition, to force gigantic barbarians such as himself to battle the great horrid centipede beast, Gathnep-lemg-go of Mabaast. So he heard, in dreams, in the Waking World, that he was chosen to battle the thing to the death. He told the other prisoners that he had come from the stars, and he boasted that he would slay the beast with a single blow, but they merely laughed. They told him that no one had ever won against such a beast. He did not listen, however, and boasted again of battling entities way more potent than this 'beast'.

Death; listlessness was one of the prisoners, but he told one thing which chilled the Red God. The centipede-thing was not a cosmic-being of our world, but of thousands of years ahead; the gluttonous, gilded, graceful gods had gifted the alien tribes with the creature, and was entertained, too, by the barbaric battles that it commenced.

Then the Red God gave heed no longer, and in court he laughed as he told he would slay the beast in transgalactic brawl. The cosmic judge sneered. As the scarlet god was brought into the senseless dome, the worm-beast had instantly attacked with no warning! Exactly, then, did the god screech and attack——his speed and battle-skills had become greater than that of the other prisoners, now, as he was powered by the great Mimær of Seng-li.

Down the westward side of the dome, the centipede creature was throne, bloody and blue of tiredness. It screeched, but the Red God gave no mercy as the insides of the beasts had spilled out. Yet the creature was still alive, and cried and gasped still.

"He who fearful," said the Red God, "I call upon thee! Look what thou hast done to thy kith and kin! (around the dome was plenty of demoniac congeries or piles of dead warriors of whom he had killed). All around us, look upon me now! I've killed thy so-called beast! Now bow down; I am the Red God of primal Mimær; the nameless planet shall be called Mars, and I shall be its ruler...".

Then he realized who the centipede-beast was——it was the king of the nameless planet! There bled the blood Red God, as he sat down listlessly on the gilded, rustic throne of Mars to rule over an empire of martians highly greater than any empire ruled by man.
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