

MY CRUSH NEXT DOOR(Chapter 4 Spilling The tea And Stealing Heart)

The morning sun felt warm and soft in Coral Gables, Florida, a beautiful city where wealth and luxury reign. This city of 49,200 people, located in Miami-Dade County, Florida, was where Akirah's dad got a job opportunity, and they moved from Delhi's old street, Chandni Chowk.

Akirah walked downstairs, humming different songs, while her mom and brother watched from the dining table, looking tense.

Akirah: _humming happily_

Mrs. Chopra: Akirah seems so excited lately. Don't you think? Something smells fishy.

Arav: Is it fishy, Mama, not fishery?

Mrs. Chopra: Okay, okay... whatever.

Arav: Yeah, she's been like this since we moved to Coral Gables.

Mrs. Chopra: I can't blame her. It's a whole new world for all of us, but she has to stop mingling with those rich people. It might affect her studies, and those rich people are always up to no good.

Arav: Come on, Mama, let her enjoy herself. She's soon going to college; she needs to interact. If you reject your neighbors, thinking they're bullies, Akirah has good friends. Let her be.

Mrs. Chopra: Chup raho (keep quiet); you know nothing about this world.

Arav: Groans and smiles.

Mrs. Chopra: Akirah... Akirahhhhhhhh!

Akirah: Argg, Mama, I'm right here! Why are you shouting?

Akirah's dad, Mr. Chopra, enters, holding a newspaper.

Mr. Chopra: Your mom always loves violence.

_All burst into laughter_

Mrs. Chopra: I can't carry this thing; you always follow the kids and joke around, Prem.

Mr. Chopra: Come on, Ankita, chill. I'm not joking around... _interrupts_ putting samosa in his mouth.

_All laughs again_

Mr. Chopra: So, Akirah, when do you leave?

Akirah: Soon, Papa. College is a new life ahead, especially with those rich kids giving me goosebumps, Papa.

Mr. Chopra: Nah, Nah, remember the Chopras never feared; they face their... _interrupted_

Akirah: Their fears, yeah, yeah, I know. Thanks for the motivation, Papa.

Mrs. Chopra: Akirah, you seem cheerful today.

Akirah: Of course, Mama! This place is amazing. The sun, the people, the vibes - everything feels so different from our hometown.

Arav: Yeah, I've noticed you've been exploring the neighborhood a lot.

Mrs. Chopra: Kya _what_ did you do? I knew something was fishy.

Akirah: Papa, please talk to her.

Arav: Is fishy, Mama?

Mr. Chopra: Come on, Ankita, let her be. She's a grown-up now; she knows what's right and wrong.

Mrs. Chopra: No, Prem, the last time I heard this from a family of the Shuklas, pregnancy was the final result. Not in my house.

Akirah: Come on, Mama, I'm old enough for this nagging. Okay, stop.

Mrs. Chopra: I'm doing this for your future.

Akirah: _annoyed_ Okay.

Mr. Chopra: So, dear, what about your exploration?

Akirah: What can I say? I'm just getting a feel of the place. I even found this cute little cafe around the corner. Maybe we should all go there one day.

Mr. Chopra: Sounds lovely, dear. We should explore together as a family.

Akirah: Definitely! I can't wait to show you guys around. There's so much to see and do here.

Mr. Chopra: Well, as long as you're happy, we're happy too.

Akirah: I am, Papa. I really am. This move was the best thing that could've happened to us.

Arav: I guess Coral Gables just got a whole lot cooler with us in town, huh?

Akirah: _laughs_ You know it! The Gables will never be the same with the three of us around.

Mr. Chopra: _smiling_ I think we're going to like it here, in this city of wealth and beauty.

Arav: And hot girls, don't forget that.

Mrs. Chopra: Language, Arav, language.

Akirah: Oh, we won't! _winks_ Let the exploration begin.

_All burst into laughter_

Akirah couldn't wait to inform the girls about what happened.

© meena's inspirational books