

A Woeful Calling
Jada Spring is an aspiring sixteen-year-old girl who always knows that there is more to life and living happy and content was her dream until one day she couldn't take it anymore. The voices in her head and the shadows in every corner were too much to bear. Jada felt as if she was cheated by life. Screaming and crying day and night, begging for a little bit of peace just to hear her own voice or take a walk to the park that she misses so much. Seeing her pain to breathe, Jada's foster parents conclude that Jada is depressed. So, for her own good, they sent her away to The Verdure. The Verdure is a facility for mental illnesses.

Jada believes that The Verdure institute is just another building that she would be locked away in. Until the bitter ends meet. But, that is until the voices no longer hurt and shadows obeyed.