

King of Hell
I heard whispers even in hell the tortured souls of the guilty spoke of a war. The demons had waged a war against mankind and were marching to the city of Mesopotamia. This didn't phase me in the slightest as I sat proud upon my throne in hell.
Not until the mention of a gorgeous goddess of demons known as Lilith. I felt my stomach drop as I heard her name once more. I stayed away from her all this time hoping in my absence maybe she would regain her humanity. I never wanted to leave her but I felt it was what was best for her. All I ever cared about was her happiness, I wanted her to live on without being cursed to my side.
I was no good for her, I was no good period. I knew now more than ever I had to rise from these pits and return to earth once more, I had to stop her from making a grave mistake. The first time I tried was a complete failure but I knew this time I had no choice but to succeed, life itself depended upon it. I couldn't let her lose any more of her humanity and if her and her demon army wiped out humanity there would be nothing left of her to salvage.
I summoned all my force and flew up through the fire and brimstone breaking through the crust of the earth. I rose before Lilith and her demon army.
All the demons who had once followed Liliths command all bowed before me their one true king. Lilith stood front and center in complete shock.
"Lucifer, how?" she breathed as she approached me laying her hand upoln my chest. "You have been gone so long." she said falling into my arms, her skin still felt electric against my own and I knew there was still hope.
"I know, I'm so sorry my dear." I said rubbing her back gently. "I thought by staying away from you I was helping you. I am so sorry to find I couldn't have been more wrong."
"I have disappointed you." she said lowering her head in shame.
"No never you, I have disappointed myself. In trying to restore your light I have only brought you closer to the dark. Lilith I cannot let you do this, I'm sorry." I said placing her hand off of me and at her side's.
"And as for all of you." I shouted at her demon army, "Go back home!" the earth quaked and split open with my deep yell exposing the fires of hell.
All of the demons were drawn back down to hell through the crack. As the last demon soldier fell the earth closed back up and I turned to face Lilith. She looked afraid and lost and I couldn't believe I had led her to this. I placed my hands on the sides of her face with a half smile. If I were to be honest with myself I didn't know where to go from here, or what I had to do with her.
"I'm sorry, Lilith." I said and in the flap of my wings I was gone again.