

Achromatic pearls 💎
//Some Endings aren't beautiful//
Pitter patter fall the achromatic pearls on my window pane , the glass rendered them a rough finish but I sensed their craving to be the pale blue crystalline gems adorned in a jewel maker's shop , not the ones dying a silent death as I held them on my hand ~and they vanished.
The fading rain drops were reminiscent of the disappearing love he shared with me. Betwixt the two pearls was an infinite loop of unspoken and unheard memories.
Whenever the welkin overflowed its tears , usually ,we the hopeless romantics ,used to overthrow all our conundrums and start romanticizing and damn that felt like eternity.
The rain was everything we ever wished for . Barefooted , he grabbed my waist and pulled me a little closer and we started dancing. Every rhythm of the loving melody matched our footsteps .
~~Sighing -"this was the only weather he used to love me in!"
Scarcely had our lips met when misfortune came like a giant tide and ebbed the clouds and his love.
---A beautiful rainbow was seen .
Candy pops and swish of necklaces ! Colours and colours around.
Infused Darkness bereft me of colours
Truly, some endings aren't beautiful
Eternity later ~ Me~searching for a perfect end.
Someone holding my waist ," Darling, I'll cherish you always, when the flowers bloom and when the leaves fall!"

© anshika. m