

KINS part3
Serkan entered the dining hall and he was astonished .He saw on a big table there was a Christmas bread,tangy honey glazed ham,roast goose,chicken tenetlion and a Christmas cake was kept on it.It was so beautiful .This was all his favorite dish that his mother used to cook for him in the past days.Serkan for a moment forgot everything and went back to his old days .Oh!he had come such long way.

Then Mr Hemlift came wishing "Merry Christmas".Serkan breathe a sigh of relief seeing his father .He went to him and hugged his father.
Mr Hemlift- I am okay my son . Nothing happing to me.It was all a lie I just wanted to celebrate this Christmas with you and my grandchild who knows what will happen the next year.

Serkan-dad please don't say this..

Serkans eyes was watery .He hugged his father more tightly.....