

Finding home
In the first place it ain't nobody business what you doin or who for that matter. Sis you are welcome to stay at the beach house for as long as you want or need. What time is your plane getting in, 4 I think. I'll be there see you then. Changing your way of living after umpteen years being in the service is puzzling. What's next is the real question that isn't answered until you know. For Ivy no home to go home to it's a start over a new start.
Being single is a plus no one to hold back any possibilities. Ivory her twin brother is a plastic surgeon. Ivory has 2 houses 1 being on 6 and Blacken Beachfront Avenue.
4 o'clock Ivory hugging Ivy it's good to see you sis you look good. I invited a few friends over to introduce you a sort of welcome home
best to get that over with.
They arrived at this beautiful beachfront
home Ivy loved it this is beautiful when did you get this she asked as they walked up the drive. It's an investment we got it for a rental. We? Dr Corey and me we rent it out sometimes to the locals for beach parties. Oh yeah he sometimes stays here when he working in this area. So don't shoot the man if he happens to let himself in some night ok. When he comes I'll introduce you to him
if he's not here already he said. Walking in the front door her eyes caught the whitest grey eyes she'd ever seen. Immediately she dropped her eyes to the floor. Those eyes almost Albino everybody this is my sister Ivy, Ivory said out loud.The only people there were doctors and a few nurses. The party was nice catered so no mess to clean up afterwards. Let's get you settled sis Ivory said. Going up the stairs Ivy glanced down to catch those eyes again huh' she muddled under her breath.
She walked in a white blue room with a king sized bed in the center down in the floor. The carpet was a royal blue with certains to match. A white comforter in all that blue made the bed pop definitely a centerpiece. Nice' somebody's got great taste
she said. This is all Dr Corey you should see his room we'll take you on a tour tomorrow.
Come down when you're ready Ivy was tired but to not go back down would be rude.
Ivy got back down stairs and started talking to some of Ivory's colleagues very nice professionals people. Most of their talks were about their cases at work typical dr talk. Hours later most were leaving being on call needing much needed sleep. As the party died down Ivy noticed her brother talking to a stout woman turns out it's his secretary.
But who kisses their secretary looked kinda strange to Ivy so she asked. Who is that she asked, oh that's Cindy my secretary and more Ivy added Ivory just smiled. If only your office walls could talk she said walking away.
What about you Sis how's Clay,
he asked. Over and done she answered he's trying to find himself and I really didn't want to block his view. What does that mean, which part well finding himself is he want to date others. It's ok to date it's what you do when you're single but not when you're in a relationship. I'm confused about how relationship are done these days Ivy said. You just haven't found the right person Sis everything will make more sense when you do.
Well I want some time to find me Ivy said I want to listen to my enter peace so to speak. I want to take this time to know me what I want and need. Not someone else's opinions of me you know what I mean?
It was getting late and Dr Corey had gone to bed what is he she asked. Those eyes she said ask him he'll tell ya I gotta go it's late. After he left Ivy went up stairs as she passed Dr Corey's door was open she couldn't help but see him laying from under the covers. So she pulled the door slightly closed her eyes never leaving what was there.
The next morning still operating on military time Ivy was up by 5 gone for a run on the beach taken her shower cooking breakfast. Morning, Dr Corey said coming in the kitchen I see you're still on military time.
Morning can I get you some breakfast she asked, no just coffee you eat like this all the time he asked.
No, she said this is something new I couldn't eat like this there you ate what they had or nothing. But now I can eat whatever I like.
He was dressed in a white button down dress shirt which hanged out of his black slacks.
Some men can make something that simple look so sexy. When a man is sexy he is sexy no matter what he has on. With sexy men clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes look good. Fresh shaved just a hint of aftershave not over powering very nice she thought. Still in just socks very huggable.
He didn't sit he stood by the coffee pot cupping his coffee. They talked for a few him keeping check on his watch.
Dr Corey excuse me for asking but are you Albino she asked. He just looked at her for a second shaking his head no, I don't know what I am he said.
That's not a line or sarcasm I'll explain what I mean one day but now I got to get to work.
He left leaving Ivy puzzled. As he left Ivy took the tour of the house by herself. Going into his room she saw a picture of him his wife and kids. Nice family his son with those same eyes.
The room felt warm not in temperature it's hard to explain but it's a feeling of wanting to be there. It was dark the only light is a small lamp over on a corner desk
Black carpet or a very dark grey with no light it's hard to tell. A king sized bed a red comforter black satin sheets big pillows. Ivy slower looked at every inch of the room getting a sense of just straight up sexy. Not wanting to leave very nice she said.

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