

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.
There stood before me a cryptid figure watching me with creepy vigour. I opened my eyes to scream but froze when he started to laugh. it sounded "mu ha ha ha ha" to me.
That's when I unfroze; now my lips could yelp.
"Bogeyman! Bogeyman! It's the claw..."
My scream was suspended when I felt his hands on me. I gasped. "Now I'm really gonna die" I thought to myself.
"Man! Dude! It's me! Will! Man what are you doing in the dark?" He asked.
"Why were you following me? You fucking scared the living daylight outta me bro!" I asked back.
"I saw you leave the bed like you were possessed. I wondered why someone who was sleeping so soundly would sleep walk like a zombie out of the door, but then all of a sudden you started to run like you were been chased, so I followed, and here I am. It was funny to see you scream man. I thought you were the king of horror." He laughed.
"So, did you laugh at me, not now, at that time. "
"Yeah, who wouldn't laugh seeing you act like that ."
"No I mean like so hysterically, so mockingly, just like a Bogeyman would. "
" You know how I laugh, if I intended to scare you I would have put up a better show. "
Just then I saw a shadow right behind Will, he wore the clown smile, even though I couldn't make out his face perfectly in the dark. I looked at his hands, it was the clawman. I froze again.
"...the person who scared you would have to put up a better act. I can do this better..." I heard Will gasp. His eyes widened in shock, just like mine. He strained his neck backwards to see who stabbed him. His eyes grew wider in shock.
I unfroze yet again.
"William! No! Don't die on me!"
I felt a hand tap me, then shake me.
"Hey! Bro! Wake Up ! " the voice sounded distant.
"Wake up Man! it's only a dream! "
I jolted out of my hospital bed, dripping in my own sweat. I looked out of the blinds. It was a bright sunny morning.
"Will?A dream?"
"Yes Bill, a dream. "
"OK. But we are going home no later than today. I can no longer lay rest here. There is something spooky about this hospital.
"If you insist. You know how you feel best."
