

From Crush To Enemy _Park Sunghoon FF (Enhypen) Episode 3

_after school_

Me and Beomgyu walk to get home as our we were neighbors. Whole the school time after the incident, I just be a silent and sad all the time. Maybe Beomgyu was right. I need to move on. Sunghoon probably didn't love me right.?

"Are you okay Soomin.?"

I just nodded not look at him. He hug me by aside rest his arm on my shoulder.

"Just get some idea to refresh yourself from your brother.. He was a good at the advices thing right?"

I nodded while chuckled when he said that.

"That was I think to.."


I look at him and he look at me.

"Ouh! Finally you speak.! I thought you lost your voice or something. Huh.."

"Yah pabo!"

I hit his arm slightly and we both laughed. As we reached our house, I bid a goodbye to him. I walked through the door and saw my brother who was watching the television as always.

'How was your day?'

The question after I locked this door. I close the door and yes! He did it!

"How was your day?"

"I knew it!"

He looked at me confusedly. I laughed and answer him.

"It's not enough to be a good day.."

I said while lean my body at the couch. He turned off the TV and look at me. He was a really a big brother to me. He was so kind and also a good listener.

"You want me to tell ya?"

I cut him as he about to spoke and he nodded.

I tell him the whole story about the incident and told him Beomgyu said that I have to move on..he just nodded while listening.

"Any advice or a way to give him felt that he was wrong.?"

I ask him. He think a minute and spoke.

"_Good thing will come in another way when our own way isn't a good thing that happen._"

I speechless..


"Which meant, that you gonna be change to another way if your own way that you always do is not happend like what you want.."

"Ouh..I get it..!"

I nodded.

"So, I'm gonna change him from my crush to my enemy.! I will change my life.! I want to be a joykill and a cold girl. Am I over?"

"No! That's a good idea! Good luck Soomin-ah!"

I nodded as I confident with the idea.

"Soomin, I'm gonna go get some groceries with Yeji eonni. You can ca Beomgyu to be here with you. It's dangerous to you to be alone. You're only my sister!"

He pinched my cheek and I giggled.

"I'm going now.! Any stuff.?"

"Hm.. chocolate please.."

"Okay, bye!"

"Take care and take care you girlfriend too. Bye!"

He shocked his head when I said Yeji eonni was his girlfriend. They were a bestfriend but I know that my brother had a crush on her. Hehe..

He closed the door and I call Beomgyu. He said that he will be here in 15 minutes. I'll better wash myself and told him about the plan.

_20 minutes later_

"Beomgyu! Are you here!?"

I shouted at my room while I'm on my way to the kitchen.

'Where is he?'



I push the guy and he was fallen to the bottom floor. It was Beomgyu!

"Yah! You know that I will kick the person who suprised me like that.!? Get up!"

I land him my hand and he just laughed in pain.

_a few moments later_

"Ouch! It's hurt!"

"Just shut up!"

I help him cover the bruises on his back on the couch.

"Are you didn't fall for my body..?"

He said look at me while smirking.

"I won't cause you're not my boyfriend. You're my bestfriend.!"

After done I spoke.

"It's done now. Come I want to tell-"

He suddenly hovered me. I clicked and look at him. Our face was just inches away.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you ever fall to me?"

Did he just confess.? What are you talking Beomgyu!?

It's just a silent moment while we were staring at each other. Suddenly he moved away.

"I'm sorry. What did you want to tell.?"


I didn't know what to said because it was so awkward.

"Wait! I get some snacks."

He get up and run to the kitchen. He left me and I tried to calm myself. The gaze was just too strong. Our eyes just meet but I didn't even know what I should feel about it. Is he like me.? No, that's not true.

He back again with a whole snacks and smile brightly.


We both laughed and the awkward gone away. I told him the plan and we both agreed with it.

"We will start it by tomorrow.!"

_to be continue_

Hi Cloudys! How are you today? I'm sorry if I was late for updated because now I kinda didn't have much ideas to do Episode 4. Forgive me and I appreciate that so much. This is my second book okay. The first book I will published when this book done. Just ignore my grammar. Bubye..!