

ghost eats flush
I feel like I'm not interested in arguing with anyone who wouldn't be able to walk around you know human like
because I think I'm battling a ghost woman Tiffany or something else I woke up with some of my stomach eaten but my bedroom door was locked tight door knob and all any ways it feel like something is climbing up out my throat as Micheal rips out his Tung some strange women comes up out his throat
with weird dark eyes ripping and splitting up his whole body while it
bleeds out completely different from his missing flush from from Micheal's body
that was devoured by the ghost woman crawling out of Michael's throat and without a smile the ghost woman screams in a way that was made to stay away from like her love she gave to her mother's other children in Chicago Illinois it's odd that they need the same city and they can't move around each other to have conversation and trust about being attacked by ghost women
while fighting back against the ghost woman that will leave you alone sometimes bleeding Bob Smith spoke about being in psychiatric hospitals because of the medicine the whole hospital gave that worked out for years at a time
© Tristan antwan heidelburg