

understanding in love 💔

once upon a tym in a beautiful village there was boy , handsome , smart , intelligent, no doubt Almighty has blessed him so many good qualities bt he used to get angry fast, anger makes him totaly out of mind . he fall in love with a grl . she was his classmates. the boy offered him bt she rejected , bcz ds was something new for her to be in relation. bt the boy was stubborn . he kept trying . everyone told him , to let hr go bcz she isn't going to say yss . bt he refused ,he was confident dt one day her answerwill b "yes" aftr few months ,aftr the long struggle n hard work of boy , she accepted hz love, she was quite impressed with the character and beautiful heart of the boy.... there love was true , day by day there love was getting stronger , there love story was not less thn a fairy tale, there day strtz with each other and ends too , they loved each other unconditionally. as it z sad that the path of love is not easy . no doubt they there was love btw thm bt no understanding , they always used to fight.. bt aftr some tym fight ends up with love .. everything was going smoothly they were hppy vd eachother, they strted to live in there dreamland , for thm there relationship was not a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship ,fr thm there relationships was husband and wife ,lyk othrz they too used to promises each other to stay lyf tym even here after with each.. once due to some reason they strtd fighting with eachother lyk alwyz , the boy used to become hulk in anger , he totally got out of mind n ask the girl fr break up n told hr ," u swear by ur family dnt try to msg me nd get lost frm my lyf" and blocked hr.... suddenly everything changes . she was in deep shock by the behaviour which she nvr accepted from him ,no doubt he was in anger bt he should not say something like ds .she was become paralyzed bcz she was not able to do anything , to msg him . she herself was very much hurt bt suddenly she got in her mind dt she cnt msg bt she cn call him , she did the same she was 2 much excited to lesson his voice since frm 4 dayz . she called him and when the boy answered the phone . she got her smile back gor few minutes. no doubt she was broken and hurt by the behaviour of boy . bt she listened hz voice she asked him " 4 dinu sai na msg na call 😭
boy : kis rishtay sai krta
n they started again fighting . bt some where there was love too in there fight bt unfortunately no understanding which is back bone of relationship . girl was now totally broken which she listed these wordz . now she broke hr relationship with boy bcz boy was not understanding .
now everything was changed frm a fairy tale to a horror dream .
aftr some dyz boy came bck now she asked hr come in relation ship with him again. no doubt she can't live without him 😭 she wanna b vd him now and always , bt the girl now said her lst words to him n told him dt " no doubt there may b may mistake bt anger was not the solution with out understanding me , without trusting me , u broked up with me without being at my place . u took me wrong 😭 " tum nai mujhai mushkil se paya tha magr aasane sai kho diya"
she was totally broken with a broken heart and broken relationship crying silently .. "i was , i m and i will only belongs to him , she will always b my beloved i will nvr stop to loving him , he is my first and Last love , he May get a lesson by knowing the real value of love which is nothing without understanding "

to be continued ... 2 part ..

moral # no doubt love without unstanding is nothing. love needz understanding as itz companion. bt when love z true excpt Almighty no 1 cn break it. ❤️ .,.......

to b continue ...