

Thought and Memory
Think. Think. Write something my mind says. Is it my mind or am I the mind? Am I memories or do I make memories? Sometimes. I get lost in the maze of thoughts. In the unending fountain of thoughts and memories. How I never tire from drinking from it is a mystery. Is it because it's all there is?

Or maybe there's more, which I fail to see. In the end I seem to be an unending dream. A picture in a frame. But can you see the frame of a picture when you're the picture? Sometimes it's a pleasant dream other times a nightmare full of demons which I created. A dream with Pain and Pleasure.

But Pain fades, so does it's lover only to come back later, to further destroy me. I dispise and adore my crown of thought and memory. It's an uneding cycle, but everyday I find myself wearing it, for what's real if not the memories and thoughts which make up who I am
© Delight Jambani