

What you feel is underrated; and how you make others feel is even much more underrated. Intentions and word mean nothing when you feel a certain way about someone. The right gesture at the right time can evoke a feeling that stay with you for the rest of the life. Yet it is not the gesture that you will recall but how it made you feel.

Feelings are just that guy; the elephant in the room that we somehow find a way to ignore. Remember that time you did everything for someone and gave it your all...yes, that time😂. You noticed that things did not work out and it has still been eating you up. They just did not feel it; and it's okay you probably were trying to get them happy. Which you actually did forgetting about other feelings like safety, freedom, fulfilment, genuine acceptance etc

Your favourite movie is your favourite because of the feelings it evokes in you. And people would do everything because they feel a strong attraction towards someone or something. How you make people feel is what will draw them closer or push them away. Whether you are bound by blood or oath

It is our universal language. Even if we speak 1000 different languages, have dozens of different skin colours one thing is standard. The one thing that comnects us; our identity. That is our feelings. We have similar feelings and that connects all of us. You can even guess what someone thinks by how they feel. You must have been there before.

More importantly how you feel about yourself becomes you. If you feel you can do something you will do it. If you feel tired, you will rest. If you feel hungry, you will eat. Our feelings are really a crucial part of us. Remember to appreciate those who make you feel great today!!

© ClicheAF