

Goblin Kisses
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source, but mom didn't raise a wise man.

It sounded like a young child but with a strange cadence, like it has been a smoker it's whole life, raspy and dry. I moved along the asphalt road with no sidewalks and peered into the bushes lining the road after not seeing anything I made my second mistake tonight, I ventured into the bushes. following the sound of the raspy cries it grew louder. the closer I got the more my heart started beating. Despite the chill air a sweat broke out on my forehead. crashing through another hedge I saw what was hiding in the bushes. a short and squat green and yellow baby, ears too large for its head flopped down like a dogs, its mouth was elongated like a muzzle and in between each breath it took for its wails I saw sharp teeth reflecting in the silver beam of moonlight that bathed this small area in hallowed light.

it's large almond shaped eyes fixed on me as its cry stopped in it's throat. "mama" it inquired tilting its head slightly. it's yellow eyes had slits like a cat's but it didn't blink like a snake. those eyes drew me in with each step closer I took it's eyes dilated into round shapes. slowly I reached out my hand instinctively curling my fingers in, the eyes stayed fixed on mine now round as a yellow moon. the mouth of the baby opened wider than seemed possible and I seemed helpless but to put my fist in the gaping hole. Moon eyes looked up at me almost in a innocent childlike way, then the teeth came down. A scream, a horn, and large circular eyes glowing like a moon and I snapped to as the car had me in its head lights, I jumped to the right as the vehicle swerved left. the driver came out, a young woman, words came out of her mouth in a cascading torrent but I tuned it out as I heard a raspy almost smoker like laugh coming from the bushes. The young woman finally stopped spouting words and got back in her car and left. I continued my walk home and everywhere I looked I saw two little moon eyes following me home.

© C.J Shrader