

Tainted( a Fanfiction Story based on Game of Thrones Series) 11
Chapter 11: At Casterly Rock

The journey to Casterly Rock was fast than she had expected. They were now in the deep forest near the Castle. She was at the horse carriage with the young Lady Sansa, including the two servants. While Jon Snow rode ahead with his horse along with his Northsmen and Samwell Tarly.
"You shouldn't be here with us, girl-slave, the sight of you totally irritates me."
Sansa had boldly told her. There was an arrogance in the young Lady's tone.
"I am sorry, my Lady. But Lord Snow had ordered me to join you here." Racy answered politely and with grace.
She was also raised as a highborn like Jon and the Starks, but never did she treat someone lowly, the way Sansa Stark had treated her now. She had respected all her people in House Bolton even the lowliest rank of servants. That was what her mother had taught her when she was still very little.
"You should be out there walking with other servants." Sansa continued with her sharp words thrown at Racy.
But the girl-slave remained calm and ignored the stubborness and insulting glares from Lady Stark.
It was very clear the young Lady despised her, too. And she clearly understood her.
The horse carriage halted as they arrived at the front yard of Casterly Rock Castle.
Lady Sansa descended from the carriage and was greeted by the Lannisters and so was Jon Snow. Racy Bolton silently stood behind the Winterfell highborns. It was where servants should be. She was facing Jon Snow's back. While the young Lord and young Lady was pretty occupied of the warm welcome they have received from the Lannisters.
"Welcome to Casterly Rock Lord Snow and Lady Stark. Please, come with us." It was Lord Tywin Lannister. He accompanied the half siblings inside the Castle along with Queen Cersei, Jamie Lannister and the halfman, Tyrione.
But before the halfman followed them, he eyed to Racy's direction and ran his eyes from her head to toe.
"You are not fit to be a servant and neither a noble from North. You have this estranged,exquisite,foreign beauty that only the higborns from East, possessed. Jon Snow and the Starks should perhaps noticed the difference."
He shrugged off his shoulders.
It was his Queen sister,calling him to keep up. The halfman had swiftly walked towards his siblings.
"If not of his size, I would already be mesmerized by his sweet tongue." Leila, the Winterfell servant muttered.
"Yes, he seemed quite adorable and very wise, too."
Agreed the others.
She helped the other servants unloading the luggage of the young highborns of Winterfell. Afterwards, the Casterly Rock head servant had guided them to Jon and Sansa's separate temporary chambers. And they delivered the personal luggage of the half siblings there.
While she was inside Jon's temporary chamber, she roamed her eyes around, quitely impressed by the elegance of it. Every details of the chamber, spoke of great richness.
The Lannisters were very famous being the wealthiest family in Westeros. She knew it, since her father often spoke about them before.
She was startled by Jon's voice. She hadn't noticed he was already there. He was standing near the window quitely staring at her.
"M-my Lord.." her voice had stuttered.
"Go along with Sansa's servants, see to it you would be of help tending my sister's every need."
But you needed me here!
She wanted to protest but it was what her Lord wanted her to do.
"Right away, my Lord."
So, she went.
Jon was left alone in his chamber.
Recalling what Tyrione had told him a while ago...
After their short meeting with the Lannisters, Tyrione had asked him some questions. And that includes about the traitor's daughter since the Lannisters had already knew about the uprising event from House Bolton, moons ago.
He thought the halfman was obviously interested with his girl-slave. It was very predictable since Tyrione was known as a famous womanizer despite of his appearance.
"Were you certain, that girl-Bolton was really from North?" Tyrione asked.
His brows furrowed.
"Yes. I am quite certain, Lord Tyrione. She was Ross' blood and his sole heiress. Why a sudden question about her?"
Tyrione went silent and seemed in a deep thought.
"She never looked alike her father. Her beauty never possessed like one of North Ladies,too or perhaps she obtained it from her mother."
He was deeply puzzled a bit while he was silently observing her when he arrived at his chamber and he found her who was quitely admiring the elegance of the place. But he disregarded the thought afterwards. Perhaps, Tyrione was just fascinated by the girl-slave. And that was it..

© melai2020
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