

Man Vs God ✍.
Man vs God.
1. Man loves, gets hurt and turns to hate whom they once loved or stop loving altogether. As humans our love is not dependable but it's ever changing and it's ever so however firm it presently seem.

But God loves also, keeps loving and keeps loving even when we turn away from his love offer in the person of Jesus Christ, he daily renews his love and this is the only thing men hate about God, that his love is constant, fervent, for all seasons, ever abiding, unchanging and perfect.
Have we done well to resist a love that never hurts? Which by rejecting we are preparing ourselves for an eternal hurt 👉 (Hell) to reject God's love is to willingly refuse salvation, friendship with God and heaven✍.

2. Man gives and expects something in their hearts from whom they gave to. And in a short time would restrain their giving if expectations are not met/potentially favorable.

God gives, gives and gives again, without personal expectations other than for us to come near for more giving or to receive more.

3. Man when offended forgives mostly on some personal motives, either to also be forgiven, or for other less known reasons by the other.

God forgives us and yet we have nothing to forgive him of, we forgives and forgets, he count not the past against us and do not remember our past errors if there be a present as men do. God is altogether unlike men.

4. Man goes into relationships mostly for one's personal advantage.

God calls us to have a relationship with him mostly for our advantage Amen✍.

5. Man Judges other men using themselves as the standard of goodness or morality, men although imperfect wants other men to imitate their little areas of goodness and term you evil until you behave like them.

God is perfect and Judges us not according to the weights of our wrongs Job 11:6 but always tempers justice with mercy, seeking that we come to be like his son Jesus, through whom we can truly be pleasing to him and be of more profit to ourselves.

6. Man takes records of offense even when asked for forgiveness, they still trail such hurt memories and many times use it still against whom they claim to have forgiven.

God forgives and totally forgives and even goes ahead to bless us and draw more nigh to us, never again remembering nor reminding us of our wrongs.
© Christ♻InUs