

A Letter From A Mother To Her Daughters...
My lovely girls,
I've seen you express yourself strongly about your surroundings. It's no surprise because you both exceeded my expectations. As you have grown up now, I think it's time to share with you my thoughts regarding marriage.
I agree time has changed, but unfortunately in our society women are still treated like household things while both have equal status in marriage, so always remember you are not a product and there is no buyer here.
I completely deny the point of view when a girl brings a tea tray and presents herself as an object. Even sometimes she doesn't have the right to say "No." As a woman I'm telling you, don't give anyone the right to choose and deny you. It's the Metter of compatibility. You equally have the option to accept or refuse. You must have your own likes and dislikes and the ability to take your stand. Please don't work for being only one employee of any organization. Use your strengths and make your mark. Try to be the perfect woman with beauty in mind, then proudly say, "yes, I am daddy's princess and I will be a queen on my own".
                       With love...
#Writco #Wewillinspiremorepeople
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