

What We Have: Just Perfectly Made For You



"I REALLY like you. I really, really like you, Renz. You can say that I am obsses on you, but who the hell cares, right? You...you are just made for me. And I am just made for you."

He smirked, the madness and shockness were visible in his eyes. "Yeah, like it really does matter, Hana. And the actual fuck? I am made for myself. I am made to live here with goddamn freedom and not for you! And don't you dare tell me that I'm yours too---or I will really strangle you to death, bitch!"

"C-can you do that, huh?"

He scoffed. "Of course, if only I'm ready for a life being a prisoner. But...yeah. No. Just leave, Hana. Leave."

My tears started to fell from my eyes. I bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying but...I can't! He's hurting me! He's giving me a pain that is so unimaginable! What will I do with this man that I truly love? You, what will you do to make the man you love, loves you back? I...I don't know what to do...I don't.

Slowly, I took my steps away from him, turning my back as I left his house. He's so mad at me. Well, I'm used to it. He's like that since we're childs. He don't like me. But he's describing me as a bitch. I don't like that. It insults me everytime. I'm not a bitch, I'm a lady. A lady with diginity.

I was stopped when a familiar guy appeared infront of me. I weakly smiled at him.

"Hey, is it about Renz again?"

I nodded. "Yes. Always, Wayne. Aren't you used to it?"

He grinned. "No. Never."

I chuckled lightly. "Hmm? Why?"

"Because I don't like it. I never...like it, Hana. So stop this stupidity. You're human too. You can get tired of him but...you're also being stupid. So, stop now."

I stared at his eyes. His expression is now stiff and serious. He's pissed off. If I can only teach myself who to love, I would like it to be Wayne. He's always there for me but...I'm guilty. I can't give him back what he's giving me.

I shook my head repeatedly. I heard him frustratingly sighed.

"I'm sorry, Wayne. I can't give up. Because I believe that he's made for me and I am made for him. We are...perfectly made for each other."

He didn't react, nor didn't blink his eyes. But a smirk formed in his lips. "Yeah, I know. And I will do a thing about it."


THREE WEEKS since I've encountered pain with Renz and joy with Wayne. But after that, they both disappeared. I'm so worried about Renz. Where is he now?

My phone suddenly beeped. I receive a text message from Wayne. Oh god, finally.

"Come here at my place."

My forehead creased. What? Why do I need to go at his place? "Hmmm, maybe there was a problem? Or perhaps, a surprise?" I asked myself. But then, I decided to go at Wayne's place. I knew where it is, since he celebrated his birthday there last year with me.

When I arrived at his place, I pressed the doorbell. It rang three times before the door opened. I thought Wayne is going to show up, but he didn't. One thing too, it's so very dark inside that I'm thinking twice if I'll go or not.

"Hana...come inside. I want to show you something."

It suddenly shivered the hell out of me when I heard the familiar baritone voice of Wayne. Even though, I'm having goosebumps, the trust I have for Wayne pushed me to go inside.

But then...

I stopped.

I heard a music box playing...

It creeps me out...

And the lights opened.

I gasped. "RENZ!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. It was horrible! I started to weep while staring at Renz, his mouth was stitched, his arms were like punched into a bob wire, and his feet were nailed to a piece of log. He's weakly standing at a small stage, a spotlight was made for him.

I screamed when he started to move...but like he was being controlled. He's like a...puppet. "Renz...what happened?"

I can't move. I'm so damn scared!

"Oh? Hi, Hana!"

I turned at my back, just to see Wayne holding a controller. He clapped his hands as he sweetly smiled at me.

"Told you, I'm going to do about the thing you believe. That he was...made for you and you were made for him. I asked him actually if he's convince with that belief of yours but...he said 'no'. So, I just made him a puppet! A puppet I perfectly made...just for you. I'm sorry if he's a little...you know, scary? HAHAHA!"

"WAYNE!" I shouted at him, full of anger. He's a demon! How can he do this to Renz!

"Oopps! Well...what can you say?"

"What can I say?! You're a fucking psychopath! Damn you!"

He just laughed like a devil. My eyes widen when he took out a long scissor as he wore his face mask. I just noticed now that he looks like a doctor, a PSYCHO DOCTOR! I bit my lower lip while watching him walk..near towards me...



A playful smirked was now plastered on his face.

"Now, let's perfecly make you again too...to be a perfectly made lady...

for me."