

chapter one

I soar through the wind as my wings of gold glide, my snout pointing to the sun. I let out a roar as I see another behind me. A blue dragon with green strips flew behind me, I was the prey, and he was the hunter. A gush of water singed passed me as I turned around to face my opponent and roared fire builds inside me as I let out a fireball spiraling toward him. It hits his wing, and he starts to fall, "no, I don't want him to die" I shouted in my head as I fold my wings and raced toward him. The wind under my wings made my speed faster than he was falling I caught up to him and grabbed his wings with my talons. I slowly set him on the ground as his blue eyes watched me. Being so close to the ground I had to land, I turned to face and look at my friend. His body starts to change getting smaller and fewer scales as his snout became a face and his tail disappeared and pale skin started to show and brown hair grow on his head. He faced me as if he was waiting for something then he spoke "do you expect me to talk to you like this when I cannot hear your replies?
I rolled my golden eyes, and focused on being human, on my human face, my eyes, my hands, my feet, my skin, my hair, as I do my body slowly starts to change. I close my eyes as my scales turned to pale skin, gold and silver hair, and my tail disappeared and my claws turned to hands and feet, my eye turning into almost human-like as they glowed gold. When I opened my eyes I stood almost the same height as him, "leave me be Draconic," I spoke.
He grabs my wrist and pulls me to him "I will not let my future wife run out on me you are to come back to the village and face your consequences of your actions, so we can be married Quinine," he said.
I smack him as hard as I can, saying, "I will not have my wings cut Draconic." Then I close my eyes thinking dragon, dragon, dragon, and scales erupted over my body and wings exploded and I flap my golden wings as I rose from the ground. He started to change into his dragon as I turned and flew off knowing he was right behind me. Knowing I was faster I flew into the forest tries to hide my body as I flew, but a golden body is so hard to hide a water ball flings beside me as I know he can see me. I rose to the sky and folded my wings, so I would glide faster holding my breath I plunged into the ocean knowing he could follow me, but he couldn't hold his breath as long as I could. I swam into a cave deep in the ocean and hid as I sensed he didn't follow me, the thing about golden dragons was they had lungs and gills. As darkness fell I swam out into the open sensing he had given up waiting on me, I raise to the sky as I blast out of the water. Seeing lights I stop and landed, "humans kill" I remember my mom telling me. I knew none of my kind will come so close to humans, so I started to change into my human form careful to see if my dragon self had left any evidence behind that I was there, seeing none and my morph complete I walked toward the city lights. Sound surrounds me that I wasn't used to as fast metal things they call cars fly past me my body jumping as they do. Lights blare as I try to get used to the city, I hear the place is called New York City. In the village, we didn't worry about where we wear just as long as the humans didn't get too close. Realizing I had no money for trade I go into a pawnshop I see brick surrounding the shop I open the door and a pine tree scent hits my nose as I enter. I glide to the counter and wait to be seen as the human was not at the counter I look around seeing TVs, and stereos systems, gold jewelry, silver, piles of boxes of things I didn't know when I hear, "can I help you."
With a smile on my face, I gracefully turn around and see a young tall blond male human before me I could tell his eyes were brown, and he was checking my whole body out. I smile as I reach into my pocket and pull out one of my families' heirlooms as I set, it down, "yes, I would like to pawn this please." I watch his face as he ogles over my velvet voice then his look of surprise when he saw what I sat down he stuttered: um ok.k.k.k.ay, are y.y.you s.s.s.sure you want to se.se.se.sell this madam it's rare?" I nod to answer as I wait and watch him put it up, and open the register. Handing me $20,000 I turn around putting it in my purse. My golden eyes shines brightly during the day and if humans look too closely they can see my eyes glowing gold. But most humans don't stare into the eyes of our kind it intimidates them, and they have learned not to. Looking up I curse as I see a blue dragon flying above, the humans were staring and pointing at it my friend lands ten feet in front of me and roars then sprouting water tunnels around me and him. I look up at him in disbelief and horror at what he has done he grabs my frail human self up by his talon and flies off. I start screaming at him to let me go but my voice was drowned out by the wind as we got further away. Seeing we were far enough from the humans I close my eyes thinking dragon, my wings, my claws, my snout, my golden scales, my body starts to grow and get too large for his talons making him drop me as I started to fall my wings finally came in but just as I thought I was free he digs his talons in my wings tearing and causing pain to erupt throughout my body. I cry out semi-human semi dragon, my scales finished coming in as did my claws and tail. My snout was last to finish changing, My friend dug his talons deeper in my wings, making me roar in pain hearing a snap I knew he had broken my wing bone and I could not fly any more till it healed. My friend slowly lowers to the ground setting me in a meadow then landing five feet in front of me.
Tears fall down my snout I growl at him is ready to fight him to protect myself my friend looks into my hurt gold eyes his eyes sadden as he tries to come near me I snap at him growling not trusting him not to hurt me even more.
Suddenly five shadows were seen landing a giant red dragon with strips of gold going across his body comes to the clearing first then a small brown dragon a medium blue then tone green and gold and lastly a white dragon appear. They came at us anger lit in their eyes mostly angry with me for running away.
"Quinine you are to face your consequences in the meeting of the council tonight, Draconic good job but next time don't expose our race," said the White dragon. The red dragon and the brown one kept moving towards me rubbing against me making sure I was alright one of them brushed my broken wing, and I roar in pain making them jump then the red one spoke.
"She is in no condition to face the council tonight put it back till she is healed from Draconic injures."
"Very well then, but if she tries to escape I will order him to kill her this time."
My dad and mom escort me away back to our hut, and they started DE-morphing, and I focused to do the same as my body shrunk and remolded together morphing me back into my pale human self, my left arm was broken. I didn't look up as I could feel the whole town and my parents looking at me as my mom rushed to me hugging me and hurrying me inside, my dad slammed the door behind us. Sighing as they patch up my arm not saying a word.
My mom finally broke the silence, "we can't just stand by and let them dewing her."
My dad said, "you heard What Grewon said he will kill her this time."
For the first time in a long time my vision started to fade my eyes start to go white and my body levitated and started to shake, I could hear my mom screaming in the distance as I feel my body bend in ways it was not supposed to, my skin turns pure golden and two small wings sprout from my shoulders a silk solid gold tail grows my hair turn to pure gold my feet turn into golden slippers my hands grow webs and then I could feel a presence inside me and it spoke to me.
"I'm gonna make you important my little one no one will ever touch you again." my arm heals up. "Find your path little one only you can start the new race dragon shifters and free them."
Then as fast as it happens it all went away my feet landed on the ground the sand felt strange to my feet. I slowly open my eyes things were so clear I could see the worry in my parent's faces and fear, I look down at my arms they were now spiny and gold I would never fit in the human world again. The leaders come rushing into my cabin and seeing me they all gasp in surprise. I could now feel their fear, and anger flood through them and suddenly a gust of wind pushes them through the walls of my house and out into our town. My laughter sounded like echoes of music. My body suddenly rises, and I felt my body shift once again my dragon exploded out roaring. My voice shook the mountains and quacked the earth I knew my golden body shinned with my new power by the way the villagers and leaders just stared at me. I decided to talk, "the goddess has decided to bless me and has declared that anyone that tries to clip my wings now shall die and so shall their families, the goddess said I will be a start of a new race a powerful one and I shall free them. You will respect me and I will not be treated as a child or a rare item that is to be protected. I will make my own mistakes and learn from them, if I wish to marry Draconic I shall, but only because I wish to."

Chapter 2
    I looked at Draconic his dark brown hair swaying in the wind. The feeling of lust erupts in my every thought, he was standing with his father starring at me with wide blue eyes that glowed like a bright topaz gem that sparkled. My body singed with the power the goddess Amira gave me he stepped cautiously towards me. "Queenie it's okay I won't let them hurt you, my love,"
he says quietly. Reaching me he raises his hand and gently laid it on my scales, my golden eyes watching him wearily. And I think human my body morphs slowly back to my more human body.
"Draconic your father will no longer have control over me, or hurt me any longer," I say as I stare at him approaching me slowly. He slipped his hand around my waist pulling me closer, lust flared up and I crushed my golden lips to his. Power sings loudly as I lose myself in the kiss and the feeling of his body pressed against mine. Again I started to levitate with him in my arms. I started shinning again and the goddess spoke again to me " little one this one will help you change your world, I will bless him as well." With that Draconic started to shine his eyes snap open his blue eyes glowed with power as I watched his body morphed two small blue wings burst out his shoulders and his skin turn from pale to a light blue tint and his hair no long brown it was now dark blue, and then it stopped and we landed back on the ground. My eyes widen and look over him knowing he was mine forever now. He looked at himself his bright blue eyes widen as he turned around and felt his wings that were similar to my golden wings. " what is this Queenie?" He asked his voice ringing in my ears. " The goddess has decided that you are to help me change the world and decided to bless you as well, we are now the more powerful and no one will get in our way," I spoke as my fingers caressed his face. His skin soft like silk sent more flames of lust through my body. I remember the day that would change everything it was almost four years ago today. I was busy doing chores around my house. I hadn't gotten my dragon form yet, so I had plain silver hair and light golden brown eyes. My dad was one of our village's protectors and was away on his patrol. My mom was the villages cook so she was collecting spices and herbs for the meal she was cooking. Draconic was the chief's son but also my best friend at the time he came running out of his house laughing as his mom was yelling at him. He stopped and smiled at me as he saw me, "come to Queenie let's go to the meadow." He already had his dragon form cause he was older than me. I take his hand and we take off his body morphing as he held tightly to my hand. Suddenly I was in the air being held by a large blue dragon, I could see his mom shaking her head in disapproval. We landed in a bright colorful meadow right outside our village. I watched as he morphed back and he played down staring up at the sky. I skip next to him and played relaxing. You see we were both distracted so we didn't see the human who had traveled too close to our village collecting flowers. When we had landed we had scared them away running back to get his dad to kill us thinking we were dangerous. His dad brought friends and they gathered at our meadow as we slept next to each other. First, his head snapped up as if hearing something I hadn't. Suddenly the humans came out with metal pikes and nets. Draconic shifted to his dragon form roaring at them as I scrambled to back away and stand up. Two men threw nets on me and stabbed at
Draconic keeping us separated. "Draconic help me please!" I screamed as the men started to smack me with wooden bats and knocked me unconscious. As soon as my head landed on the ground and my eyes closed, a light engulfed me lifting my unconscious body twisting and twirling as it morphed into a large golden dragon, as my body finished morphing I came to and broke out of the nets.
Draconic and I flew away looking over him I could see red blood on his blue wings and body we both flew as far away as we could and landed in a cave we decided to hide in. Draconic started morphing back to his human self blood trickling down his arms and legs. I started to morph back to myself as well, when done my hair had a golden streak and my eyes glowed a golden hue. From that day on we were inseparable and we both never forgot what humans could do if given the chance.

Chapter 3

    The thing went back to normal quickly at the village once Draconic dad had gotten the point, that they couldn't force me to do anything. Our wedding day was quickly approaching since the goddess blessed Draconic his father had silenced any argument he had against me. I stare up at the clouds in the meadow, Draconic had gone off with some others to pick up stuff for the wedding and village. A snap of a twig in the forest snaps me out of my mind as I search the darkness for danger. I could hear more footsteps and I stood straight up my hands in a fist. Suddenly a net comes flying out from the darkness of the forest, engulfing my body before I had a chance to react. I start to morph when electricity runs through the net making my body convulse over and over as my vision faded away, I see two men step out of the forest and then nothing but blackness. When I came to I was lying trapped in a steel cage that was so small I couldn't stand in it. The room was dimly lit and full of an assortment of knives, swords, whips, chains, and other weapons. I could hear a bunch of laughing in another room, probably the men celebrating their success. Then footstep and a guy entered the room and looked down seeing me awake laughs.
"Here I thought you would be more of a problem to capture the beast, I guess the king was wrong about worrying about you," he says poking me through the bars of my cage. I try to cringe away from him but the cage gave very little room. I glare at him slightly confused not wanting to give away anything to this monster of a human. "Oh she's not going answer this one, you know I can make you talk, there are ways to make you wish you were dead," he teased. With that his hand slipped up my leg, I shiver thinking in what way he would try to make me talk. "Just cause you caught me unaware doesn't make me any less dangerous, I'd let me go before my mate comes for you," I say just above a whisper. The guy busted out laughing holding on to the cage for support, " you keep thinking that beast and we shall see how long it take you to realize he won't find you, and your now all mine beast, all mine to do what I want with you." He shakes his head chuckling as he walks away going to join his friend probably. My vision faded again and I could feel the goddess's presence again.
"Little one let me share my story with you," and with that, I felt transported as I blink the lights are bright as I could feel the grass under my feet. I look around and I'm surrounded by flowers of all kinds " it all started here my little one, this meadow of mine was an escape from my duties and my parents. They meant well, little did they know they were under his spell." I could see her now long wavey raven black hair fly's around her, her skin similar to mine but silver, and her eyes glow silver as well. Her body was so beautiful it made me want to cry, even though it was more scaly them my own and she had 4 wings that she had folded behind her. She looked at me and continued, "you see my parents wanted me to marry a king, to keep the humans happy and make the people continue to worship them. Little did they know he was more than just a human he is a sorcerer, and he had his desires. He was a complete gentleman up to the day I said I do, as soon as I did the cursed me to his castle." Her gaze lowered staring at the ground the surroundings shifted and I was suddenly in a room with a high ceiling a fancy red laced canopy bed and a stone floor cold as ice I could see a small window that the goddess sat by on the ledge. She looks up at me, " will you blame me, for being foolish and falling in love with a human my little one?" I blinked " why would I blame you, goddess, I only have you to thank you for all you did for me?" She sighs and says, " I figured you would understand my little one, for I had kids with this man seven to be exact, and these kids of mine have the power the shift to dragons, my little one is family. My kids are long gone but they had families of their own, the king never let me keep my babies. He sent them off, marrying the girls off to other kingdoms as soon as they were born and my sons were sold off to other kingdoms as well I had two sons and five daughters. He cursed them that they would die if I ever saw them and with that, he kept me from them. "

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