

The Howard's of Star Base 10 and 12 : Chapter 27 : The Tall Dark Handsome Stranger
He came out of no where, but did he really. You decide.

Kevin Thomas Riley IV is the great great grandson of Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley and Lady Isabella Collins.

Kevin Thomas Riley's great great grandfather Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley born in 2240 was the first young man to fall in love with Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell when she first arrived on Star Base 12 in 2274.

It was Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley that would mourn when he heard that Lady Karissa passed away in 2335 right before her great great granddaughter Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard was born.

Lt Kevin Thomas Riley never forgave Lord Andrew Charles Howard for stealing Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell away from his him and turning her into a stuffy aristocrat like himself.

When Lt. Kevin Thomas Riley completed his internship on aboard the Enterprise after 4 years he returned in 2278 to find Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell married Lord Andrew Howard and Lord Andrew Charles Howard had become Duke of Norfolk Territory and Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell had become Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard Duchess of Norfolk Territory and she had two children by Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

Lady Karissa explained " Kevin Thomas Riley. You never came to visit me and you were always caught up in your studies."

" Lord Andrew Charles Howard traveled out to visit me every day and we spent a weekend together out in his country manor. " Lady Karissa explains.

" Lord Andrew Charles and I were caught up in our paasion and he turned me on so much that I gave in and he made me cum so much it felt good but that was just the icing on the cake it was when he entered me that I never felt so good." Lady Karissa tells him.

"We were like two wild animals going after each other and the more I climax the better I felt and when we climax together is we felt our souls come together and it was on that evening I conceive our daughter Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard." Lady Karissa explains.

" I didn't agree to marry him until I found out our child was a girl and not a worthless son." Lady Karissa states.

" I had an anmoncestis test done and it reveal the child was a daughter and only then did I agree to marry him." Lady Karissa explains.

Kevin Thomas Riley IV is the son of Kevin Thomas Riley III and Kimberly Frances Drake of Star Base 12.

Kevin Thomas Riley has one sister Lana Kimberly Riley.

Kevin Thomas Riley was born in 2336 two years before Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard gives birth to her first child named after her great great grandmother Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Carey nee Lowell.

Kevin Thomas Riley IV is two years older than Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard.

Kevin Thomas Riley IV notices Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard walking in the town of Star Base 12 and he watches her from a distance before he gets up the encouragement to walk up to Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard.

Finally Kevin Thomas Riley IV walks up to Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard and he bows to her and she acknowledges his bow with a curtsy and he says " Good day Mademoiselle I am Kevin Thomas Riley IV."

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard answers " Good Day Monsieur Riley I am Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard. I am the eldest daughter and child of Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard Duchess of Norfolk Territory and Lord Andrew Charles Howar d the IV Duke of Lancaster Territory."

Kevin Thomas Riley IV can't believe his eyes what he is hearing and he asks " Are you related to Cadet Karissa Elizabeth Ann Lowell that married Lord Andrew Charles Howard in 2274."

" Why yes Monsieur Riley I am. Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Carey nee Lowell was my great great grandmother as her eldest daughter Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane was my great grandmother and her daughter Lady Karissa Ann was my grandmother." Lady Karissa Elizabeth explains.

" I have a great great aunt name Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard." Lady Karissa explains.

" Milady Karissa. Did Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard remarry you said Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Carey." Kevin asks.

" My grandmother told me that she remarried in 2299 to Lord Richard William Carey the Duke of Bedford Territory and they have two children Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Richard William JR." Lady Karissa explains.

" My great great grandmother divorced my great great grandfather in 2298 and well by then my great grandmother was married and already had my grandmother Lady Karissa and my grand grand aunt Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene was married and one year later my grand grand Uncle Lord Andrew Charles Howard JR married and she had 4 children to raise Lady Caroline Matilda, Lady Sophia Charlotte Dorothea, Lord Richard William Carey JR and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard was only 4 years old." Lady Karissa explains.

" My great grandmother had my grandmother in 2295 and My mother was born in 2317." Lady Karissa explains.

" My mother had me in 2338 and my great great grandmother passed away right before I was born." Lady Karissa explains..

" I was born in 2336 Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard. We are only two years old." Kevin explains.

" May I ask you a question Lady Karissa?" Kevin asks.

" Of course Monsieur Kevin." Lady Karissa replies.

" Are you seeing or courting anyone?" Kevin asks.

" Why no Monsieur Kevin. I am not. One thing that my great great grandparents did was to abolish the archaic practices of prearranged marriages." Lady Karissa explains.

" I am free to court and marry for love." Lady Karissa explains.

" My great great grandparents also established absolute Progimey on Star Base 12 whereas the first born child regardless of sex would inherit the title and property of the father and a younger son couldn't supplant his older sister just by virtue of his sex." Lady Karissa explains.

" I am the future Duchess of Norfolk and Lancaster Territory.'' Lady Karissa Elizabeth explains " I would gladly give it up for love and a family as I have a brother Lord Andrew Charles V." Lady Karissa Elizabeth explains.

Kevin Thomas Riley IV is determined not to let the same thing happen to him that happened to his late great great grandfather Lt Kevin Thomas Riley back in 2274.

Kevin Thomas Riley IV travels out to Beltane Manor and he asks Lady Elizabeth Victoria and Lord Andrew Charles Howard if may court their daughter.

" Why Monsieur Riley. I do believe that is up to Lady Karissa Elizabeth Howard to decide." Lady Victoria Elizabeth exclaims.

" When I met my second cousin Lord Andrew Charles Howard I was only 15 years old and We had to wait to marry." Lady Victoria Elizabeth explains.

"Lady Karissa Elizabeth is our eldest child and daughter. " Lady Victoria Elizabeth explains.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth walks into her parents drawing room and she curtsy to them and she sees Kevin Thomas Riley IV standing in the drawing room and he bows to her and she curtsy to him.

" Lady Karissa Elizabeth Monsieur Kevin Thomas Riley IV has come to us and asked us if he may court you, but the decision is left up to you." Lady Elizabeth Victoria exclaims.

" Lady Karissa Elizabeth do you accept the offer of Monsieur Kevin Thomas Riley has to offer you." Lady Victoria Elizabeth asks

Lady Karissa Elizabeth turns around to Kevin Thomas Riley and her heart beat fast and he is indeed handsome and she answers " I will gladly court Kevin Thomas Riley IV, but mother and father I must turn down my inheritance and pass it onto my brother so that Norfolk and Lancaster Territory remains within The Howard family." Lady Karissa Elizabeth explains.

" Lord Andrew Charles V is only 15 years old Lady Karissa Elizabeth and by the time I am ready to abdicate he will become of age." Lady Victoria Elizabeth explains.

Lady Karissa Elizabeth starts to court Kevin Thomas Riley IV .

Kevin Thomas Riley IV feels jubilant that he is courting the great great granddaughter of his great great grandfather love back in 2274.

© ladywicca65