

Dear diary entry 5
(Park Poetry ❤️)

Dear diary,

So, it's a very nice day,
To go to the park,

And Yet Interesting,

The park is full of Youth, Beautiful young souls that enjoys the outdoors,
It's a nice place to write poetry, Also,

So Here's what happened earlier today,

In The park, I sat on a bench and started to write poetry, But some brooding Guy sat next to me, Leaning on me,

And there was something off about him,
And yet made me curious, He was pretty handsome,

Hair darker than his Soul, Eyes more Bluer than his Heart, A Piercing, I think...?

And he smelled of Cigarette smoke, and looked like really tired, Emo vibes much?

Me Being Me, I decided to start a conversation with him,

" Hello, How are you doing today? " I asked politely.

He turned and looked at me, Like I had a plague,
"Do I know you, You SnowyHair?" He raised an eyebrow,
And I could have sworn I seen a piercing,

He kinda surprised me there, but I stayed nice,
"SnowyHair...?No, I don't think we have met before, but you Did decide to sit next to me. I just wanted to say Hello." I said, still a little confused about his behavior.

He looked like he was really angry with me, but Something was off, like he looked really suspicious,

" Whatever." He shrugged it off, nonchalantly.

"It's A Beautiful day Outside, So I really want to know if that got something to do with you." I asked, still writing poetry.

"Poetry?" He asked, disappointed. I nodded.

"It's a beautiful day to relax and write poetry. It's Peaceful." I explained, calmly.

" Poetry sounds boring." He growls at me. I tilted my head at him.

"How is Poetry Boring? Is it because you don't know how to Write it?" I Asked him, Kindly.

" Hmmph. I can Definitely write Poetry. Probably even better than you." He challenged, Smirking,

"Oh, Really... So, can you please write me something on Here? Hmm?" I offered my phone to him.

He snatched it out of my hand,

"Well now, No need to snatch." I smiled at him, as he was typing something on my phone.

He handed it back,

"Well, I'll see you around, SnowyHair."

"Wow, You're done that Fast?" I asked.

"Yep. See you tomorrow. Call me later." He smiled smug as He left the park,

I didn't realize it at first, But when I checked to see his 'Poem', I blushed a bit,

It went like This,


You're more Beautiful than The Clouds,
You're Prettier than the Snowflakes That Fall in The Sky,
So, After you Finish your Poems,
You Can Give me a Call Tonight
Rev - 1300

❄️ SnowyHair❄️

I didn't realize it till it was too late, Because as soon I did, He was long gone,
Like a Shadow,

So, Diary, This is One of those things that I simply can't Forget,

He was Flirting with me, And I was Oblivious to it, Leaning on me,

And He wrote me a Poem and gave me His Phone number,

I'm Blushing so much right now,

And I think I like him,

And I think he does too,

What do you think?

Should I call him Later?

Diary ❤️

© Midnightdreams