

SHE 6: I Don't

Hair grabbed, pacing back and forth. A hundred was it he circled his fort. Shock and confuse as though why she ended up as the like.

Throughout the century, he still love her as their world's very first cry;
not even wavered when he saw her eyes' dry.

She was different... whole lot different. Her eyes screamed of agony yet her demeanor does not say so. She reeks of death still heavenly though. He does not understand.

Paced for the nth time, he stopped. Rustling leaves, creaks, then stomps.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

From the window, she emerged. Apartment on 3rd floor was he, 'how?' he wonder? Nonetheless, how did she find him?

"You..." her voice resonates the room as, too, his heart.

"... knew me. Why?" too cold yet beautiful still as ever... longing for her touch. She does not remember, but he did. He couldn't bury it all... he wouldn't. It was his fault, after all.

"I'm Alex." trying to reach out

"Alex?"oh how he longed for to be called by her again. Name to be uttered by that soft plumpy lips.

"Yes. Do you not remember me?" hope heared, a hint

"I don't intend to." ice firmed answer.

Now, pain visible to see, steps he take forward as ten steps back she took. Afraid not but cautious, "Forget me. You don't know me any longer... forget it all."

Anger seeps from within all of him. Couldn't hold back,

"Why would I?! I do not know what you have gone through, but you have no right to say that." anger taking over, he rushed towards her who unable to react but place a blade towards his neck.

Grabbed shoulders, he uttered, "I have prayed for us to meet. Everyday... I waited for you to come back yet why would you push me away?! I would do anything to know you once again but please... don't do this. I do not understand..." he leans on her shoulders.

" ... I love you." he whispered, full of longingness.

Sobbing like a child, he shook. Still unable to respond she push him away less force than she intends to.

"I dont."

© vitor