

I have always pondered about this every day in Church. When I looked around, I noticed the people's eyes where initially gazed on the preacher but later become distracted. I asked myself, what about those who are listening; do they really pay attention? Or, are they perhaps, thinking about something else while pretending to listen to the preacher?

When ever they worship, they worship with their mouth, but not with their heart. Do majority not get excited and think they're under the anointing? Think about it!
How has the church become a place of whining and dancing. How has the church shifted it's focus from spiritual growth to mere entertainment. Do the so called "christian's" truly worship? Do you truly worship?
"Sometimes I wonder,' Am I the only one going to heaven?" Looking at the lives of the majority globally, hasn't Christianity turned into a regular excitement gathering in the name of worship? I could hardly tell the difference between a Christian and a regular person. The only difference, between a modern Christian and a regular person, is the fact of "Speaking in Tounges". Beloved, even the devil is transformed into an angel of light. A sinner can also pretend to speak in tongues too. What then, is the difference?

Christian's claim that, since the sinners are not coming to church, they set out to take the gospel to the world, but eventually ended up being conformed to the world. They preach what the people wants to hear, not what they ought to hear. They no longer preach Salvation and Holiness, which are clearly stated in the Bible as essential for seeing the Lord, "for without holiness no one shall see the Lord' (Hebrews 12:14)."
Sadly, so many have closed their eyes to that verse, forgetting that the Word will be held against them on the judgment day.

"If Heaven were for everyone, then more than just 8 people would have escaped the great flood that destroyed the entire nation during Noah's time."
If 8 people where saved then, do you think the majority will be now?
Think about it!

#A Call to Genuine Repentance and Holiness.
© Rhoda Michael.