

A triumph of love
At the beginning of 21st century world was ruled by not technological advancement but by weaponised warefare. In that time officially USA was the strongest and Russia and Europe held the 2nd and 3rd positions. But unofficially Russia was the strongest mostly due to their high level mafia ranks. Mafia at that time was a hidden power but it laid down strong foundations for many of the countries. Mafia was not involved in local crimes like murder or robbery. At that time mafia was involved in drugs, trade of precious metals and stones. Mafia was recognised to settle long-lasting matter within few seconds. But as country is leaded by their King, president similarly mafia also had their leader with two being the most prominent and strong the Russian Mafia King Khalid Altaf and the European Mafia King Alfred vi Britannia who was also the lead role of the Britain Royal Family. These two mafia syndicates have fought over years for supremacy but one these fight resulted in a birth of a legend who cannot live for long but was able to conquer the entire world and died and remained as God of Mafia. A personality which was feared amongst every single being on the planet.
In one war between European Mafia and Russian Mafia which was held in Middle East a hospital suffered a loss greater than any side received. Though Khalid Altaf was a mafia but he was kind at heart. Out of that entire mess only a new-born baby was the luckiest one to survive a nuke attack. Seeing this luck Khalid Altaf took that boy under his care and raised him training him to be the next king after his death. So time flew and the war between European Mafia and Russian Mafia vanished because of no reason but at the same time a legend entered the mafia field. The child taken cared by Khalid Altaf named Adil. Soon he was 10 years old and he stepped into mafia. Soon he became known in the entire Asian Continent and time flew making him the strongest member of the Russian Mafia and soon he was 16 years old and at that time European mafia made their step by attacking one of the reserves of Russian Mafia but what they were unaware was the fact that someone has entered the field which can destroy the from their roots and that’s what happened. Adil took on the gun and with a team of seven including him they destroyed the entire European Mafia along with Britain Royal Family claiming their victory over the entire Europe and Asia. Adil took on the initiative to destroy every single continental mafia leaders and bring the entire world under Khalid Altaf’s rule and by the time he made this possible he was already 20. Entire mafia syndicate became proud and respected Adil for his effort along with his team. They became so popular that their entire team was feared in the world as The Seven Deadly Sins. They were the only mafia which was in the bingo book of CTS ( Counter Terrorist Squad) United Nation but instead of marked of wanted they were marked as catastrophic that no one should even think of touching them. But as it is said happiness never lasts long the same happened with them. One of their own men betrayed theme by leaking their hideout to CTS at the time when only Adil and Khalid Altaf was at their hideout without much backup. So being surrounded and by not being able to do anything and to preserve the legacy of Russian Mafia of never being caught Khalid Altaf took a decision which probably no one has ever taken. He asked Adil to shoot him and run for life becoming the Russian Mafia King himself and to find the letter he hid in Antarctica’s vault. By a long quarrel and with the short time at hand he followed Khalid Altaf’s order forcefully. And tried to escape the claws of CTS although he managed to escape alive but was injured badly he was soon recovered by his team. Adil stated the entire scenario that occurred to his team but asked the team to say lie to the rest that “I killed him myself”. Soon he became the mafia king but before even recovering completely he along with his team headed towards the vault hidden in Antarctica. After they found the vault there was one letter written by Khalid Altaf for Adil.
The letter was as follows:

Dear Adil,
If you’re reading this letter this means that somehow you were forced to kill me and become the Mafia King yourself. I have engraved a historic secret in my chest which I am going to tell you know. one month before I found you as a baby my daughter was born but for her and her mother’s safety I left them. Seeing you as a baby it reminded me of her. And if you are knowing this as a surprise it means even I haven’t met her since her birth. Her name is Aleah and she Is in a country where none of our powers could reach but now that I am dead I want you to search her and protect her and her mother but please don’t tell them about my death and protect them without them knowing.
Khalid Altaf
Reading this letter Adil and his team were in tears it was time that they noticed a map at the behind of the letter which leaded to a city in a Country named India. The city’s name was Delhi so immediately after recovering from injury Adil and his team headed towards Delhi and started searching for Aleah. After a search of few months they found out that she was in IIT of Delhi completing her graduation. By some sources Adil himself got admission into the same course and year as Aleah. Soon he started becoming her friend and started keeping an eye on her and her mother who was actually living in Meerut after settling Aleah into IIT’s Hostel. Soon time flew they both together graduated and joined the masters course together and they were 24 years they both fell in love but Adil was scared about the fact that he has started loving her. After two years of a relationship they were happy. But as before this happiness also didn’t lasted long. An old nightmare confronted Adil the traitor who betrayed Khalid Altaf returned and met Aleah In the absence of Adil and told her about everything but modified the part of he himself being the traitor and made Adil the traitor and told that Adil killed her father. She was so confused but also sad. She wouldn’t wanted to believe that Adil could do such a thing but that traitor kept on instigating her to take revenge. Due to all her confusion she agreed to take revenge but Adil soon knew about the whereabouts of that traitor but what he was unaware was that he told Aleah told the truth but in a wrong way. Soon Adil reached that traitor and shot him was relieved and crying but at that time Adil was shot from behind. When he turned behind he saw Aleah standing behind him crying with gun in hand. Soon he heard that traitor laughing in his last breathe and saying that I have completely ruined your life. Aleah shouted at him at the same time crying saying that you murdered my father. Adil always felt guilty of not being able to do anything and to go for the last resort of killing Aleah’s dad. So he said nothing to support instead he said that he have killed her father he deserve to be killed by her hand. Crying and angered at the same time she shot him and he died and his team arrived their a few seconds late of his death. Seeing Aleah killing Adil everyone became furious but at that same time Adil gathered all his strength and said “ I deserved it very much. Love u Aleah” hearing this his team cried but their anger calmed down the one of them stood up and showed the letter written by her dad and explained the entire case that happened that night and also said that the one who instigated her was the traitor who leaked the whereabouts of our hideout. Hearing this Aleah was in deep silence and then suddenly started crying. Then she stopped crying and stood up. She took up the gun from Adil’s hand and was loading it. The entire team was shocked seeing what she was doing but after few minutes it became clear to everyone what she did and why she did. She just said only one thing “love u Adil” and shot herself in her head. Everyone ran immediately to her but she died at that very instant and on the other hand that traitor’s men killed Aleah’s mother. At the end the team revealed the entire situation to the entire syndicate and Adil became a mafia which could never die he will be always remembered in the hearts of everyone who knew him.
This marked a defeat in Adil’s reign as mafia as he was not able to protect Aleah and her mother but it also marked a triumph of Adil and Aleah’s love over their misfortune.

© Broken Dior