

Things I do for Love...(part 2)
“Satheesh! right… it is very clear that you are after me, but I have not got any feelings in my life for anyone. Do you get me? I’ve got lot of things to fix in my life and it’s not so easy. I don’t have time for all this shit! Better try to focus on your studies. Leave all these stuff. It’s not gonna’ give you anything!”, she advised in a typical homely girl tone.
“ everybody have got feelings Nila! it’s just the mask we wear thinking that we are so reserved and closed. We are sapiens Nila! we need companies. It is just the right person we have to meet to make it out. Of course, I have seen you! I know you’ll also feel what I feel like…
I see my future in you. I’ve never done something so useful. I feel so responsible, Nila. I know, I’ll take care of you. All these days I’ve just followed you looking at your back. Frankly to say, really sexy! But am really bored NIla. I could not resist myself eloping around you all the time. Am exhausted. One sec dear!”, he had lot of confidence and he knew what he was doing… he searched all around but it was just a silly matriculation school!
However he managed to pluck a bunch of grass from the ground and the rest was filmy!!! He knelt before her and he did not care about anything. He was like, “ Nila! even I could not believe what am doing but I have to. Am really mad about you. And… I love you Nila!”, he finished blushing.
There was silence all around. Students over there could not believe what was happening because they were fuckingly small kids. There were a lot of students all around and fortunately there were no faculties. A massive part of them started clapping and said, “ come on man!”; A part of them were silent; another part of them were really shocked about what had happened. A gang of girls were like, “ dream proposal guys…what a guy he is!”Some of them never cared and they were on their way. But Nila had nothing to say.
“IDIOT!”, she said and left. He kept kneeling and he knew that she’ll definitely refuse it. There was a voice approaching him,
“hello! Romantic hero. The scene is over. Shall we move”, Guru mocked at him. They started their cycles towards their tuitions. Satheesh was like he had achieved something. He was dreaming and he never cared about Guru.
It was their boring physics tution but Satheesh was totally out of mind. He was thinking about her charmness. He entered into his dream world and started making his family trees. Suddenly Guru interrupted his duet saying, “hey sir is seeing you. Atleast act like taking notes man!”, he urged.
There is separate session for students in school life called ‘parent-teachers meeting’ where teachers used to be devils for all the students by complaining all the shit about them. It is purely a session of praisal for the toppers but for the backlaggers it just portrays them as if there are result of sin to their parents. There comes our physics sir’s category who will be in continuous contact with the parents and so it happened.
“he’s not gonna’ pass. I bet my head on it. He is completely useless”, he hung up angrily saying it to his father Joseph. Joseph could not take and actually that tution master was his junior in college and he was really tensed. He had his own way of handling things. He kick started his bike and headed towards his house...

Joseph was not an ordinary father making children regret to be born to them. He was really worried about his son’s behavior and he had to do something. He reached home and he saw his sitting alone in his room as usual.
He entered his room knocking on his door. Satheesh had a mobile phone in his hand. I could assure that mostly all these parents will enter our room rightly at the time we have our mobiles and they judge us.
“what’s that? Is it a porn website?”, Joseph forced.
“no, dad!”,he replied.
“I’ve crossed all your ages, da”, he took his phone undoubtedly and there was a girl’s photo.
“appa! It’s Nila, pa”, he tried convincing.
“what’s your total last time”, Joseph starred.
“dad! Please listen to me and after that I’ll do whatever you say”, he stammered. Basically all of us don’t get the next voice of opinion. But here it was quite different.
“what’s that?”, Joseph asked angrily.
“I like her, dad. I really…love her, dad! I know it’s not the right time and ever since I’ve not done anything useful and I feel something dad! It’s great, dad…”, he was continuing. Joseph had all his memories of love passing by. Now he had to handle it more carefully.
“this isn’t good, my boy! It’s not the right time. You have to concentrate on your studies. You have focus on your future”, he kept on speaking.
“dad! This isn’t me dad! She’s something dad. I could fix everything dad”, he was out of his world.
“ok, fine…fine…!let’s make a deal. I’ll help you make it and in return I want you to get passed in the exams”, Joseph knew that it was not right but he had no other go and he believed that he could convince his son later.
“all set dad! Am ok, but you have to support me…”, Satheesh said hugging his dad.
“anything for you , my boy!”, Joseph hugged him close and he didn’t know what else to do.
“now my baby is gonna’ get sound sleep, okay?”, he kissed him making him convinced and left the room switching off the light. He left the room depressed thinking of the consequences.
Satheesh was really happy that his dad had respected his feelings. He thought of doing something atleast for the sake of his dad. He slept with lots of joy. The next day was Sunday. He had to know what his dad can do after all his speech. After his breakfast he went to kitchen trying to get something out from his mom. He asked...

“mom! You had a love marriage right? How did you get him mom? Did he propose you? And how did you love him, mom! He is so old fashioned!”, he mocked.
“nobody can reject him! He is my Romeo!”, she left pinching his chins.
“Romeo!”, he barely believed and he entered his room. He remembered whatever his dad said and he tried to convince himself that dad had something to do. He took out his book, even the index was new to him.
Everytime he’ll be in the mind of studying atleast to pass through but something would be there distracting him. But now he was out of all his entertainments. He constantly had phone calls from Rohit calling him to play PUBG but this time he convinced himself not to turn up. He barely studied something and he continued. Everyday passed by the same way and he had gained certain interest in it. Exams came by and Satheesh had enough confidence to take it this time. He presented whatever he knew with lots of stories.
Finally it was the day of paper distribution where toppers would be really obsessed about their marks. Everyone’s papers were given one by one. Satheesh was really nervous.
“Satheesh! 42???”, the staff called for. There was shock all over the room. All his friends were like what is happening. “Did he really pass?”, they were exclaiming. There was our heroic walk saying, “thank you, mam!”, he returned to his place. It is always a fact that students who get just passed will be the most happiest of all and this miracle happened for every subject except for that of Tamil! Again a bad impression for him.
This time he could not resist. He was running like something to his house and Mithra was really happy about his results but she didn’t have a doubt over him. Satheesh was waiting for his father. Usually nowadays once father enters the house, all the funs are out but it was not like that here. Joseph entered his room after his dinner.
“ dad! I’ve done it. I’ve passed in my exams. And now, it’s your turn”, he invited.
“oh really. Good man. Continue doing it; never get out of the flow!”, he tried leaving the room.
“dad! Are you kidding me? You remember our deal,right?”, he enquired. Now Joesph had no other go. He had to do something.
“fine… tell me about her. Let me think “,he asked.
“dad! Nila dad! My classmate! She’s short, cute and am really interested”, he continued.
“ok, ok. Let me know what had happened till date. Did you try talking to her”, Joseph asked.
“I’ve proposed her dad”, he stammered.
“oh really! That’s too fast. Was she happy?”, Joseph enquired.
“not so much, dad and she had no interest in me!”, he felt. Joseph knew that it was going out of control but he still continued.
“what does she like?”,he asked.
“Tamil, dad!”, he said frowning his face. By that time Joseph had his next move and this time he was clear about the thing what he was going to do!
“why don’t you try impressing her by writing her poetries of love!”, he suggested.
“ dad! That’s too old. She might not like it and I have no exposure towards it. This’ll not work out, dad!”, he refused.
“you guys are too fast, man. Let me do something. I’ll write you something. You just give her and the rest will happen and you’ll see it. What did you say? Old fashioned! Your mom use to love my writings and girls will really like it! I’ll tell you what to do…
The next day Joseph had a letter with him. It was really rubbish and he believed that it could make her disappointed making his son away from all his stuff. Satheesh took it with lots of expectations and he was about to give it to her. Nisha intervened asking, “what’s that?”
“it’s my future, Nisha! You know something. My dad is helping me. He has assured that he’ll help me. He has written this poetry for me and you know something he was very good in that those days”, he was really curious.
“am really happy for you! You have been so good from the day you were behind her but I feel something strange. Is your dad helping you? I wanna’ read the letter”, she took it from his hand. She read it and it was really awkward. Satheesh could not believe it that his father had tried to ruin his love. He was depressed for a while and at that moment he was really angry on his father. He tore it out of anger and he could not express. He decided to follow his ideas but on his own style. On the same day, he wrote something so impressive. He actually realized that he could also make in something in creativity. He was really happy that he had made something new and all through these days he had not even attended the creative side of exams.
Out the anger on his dad, he had a lot of confidence and he approached her. She was sitting the corner near window. There was a slight sunshade on her face and it was really dramatic everytime he saw her. He gradually leaned on her desk and he looked into her eyes. He gave it to her and by the time she opened it he was gone. He hid behind the door and he was waiting for her reaction. She opened it out of hatred but she saw something different in it. Of course, she was interested in writing but she found something else in there.
There was lot of mistakes in it but a lots of love accompanied. She smiled looking at it and this result made Satheesh really happy. He was out of his world. He started jumping all around. The day, it was the best day of his life! Of course, his friends had a small treat in their canteen that day. Although he was happy, he was not so satisfied.
He was returning to his home in cycle and he was thinking about his father and his act. He had nothing to hurt him because he could understand why he had done that but he felt that he could have informed him. He did not talk to his father that day and he slept. The next day, he left his home earlier for his tuitions. Joseph woke up from his bed and he saw a label in the mirror showing, “dad! Am sorry dad! I’ve disturbed you but I could not forget her. You did what you have to do but you betrayed me. I’ll see to it dad! You know something! am a writer now…

Joseph was really worried that his son had misunderstood him. He did not expect this. On that day, he went to his room late night. Satheesh was quite asleep. He went near him. He could see his little prince sleeping so tired, and of course Satheesh woke up but he did not open his eyes.
“I didn’t mean that, my baby! I wanted you to study well atleast by this. I always wanted to get you whatever you need but this time it is a girl. I cannot fetch you. You have to make it. Moreover, I made it because I knew the pain of love all through these days. All the love doesn’t end up well but whatever happens, am telling you now. She’s my daughter and I’ll make you get her. Am sorry! Am really sorry!”, by the time he finished he could not control his tears. When he left the room Satheesh understood his father and he felt like hugging him.
The next day night all their conversations started and it took place only after Mithra had slept. Joseph was really happy that his son has done something of his own and he decided to support him.
“congrats, champ!”, Joseph stammered.
“love you, daddy!”, he hugged him.
“am sorry!”, Joseph started again…
“ what’s next dad?”, Satheesh smiled.
“friendzone!”, Joseph looked up.
“friendzoned? You mean bestie!”,Satheesh laughed.
“exactly! But remember something. We are doing this only out of love but we never use this as a trap for love. Okay?”, he asked.
“what did you say? We?”, Satheesh laughed. Joseph clearly knew that all his advices to his son were too early but he never minded.
“jokes apart. Shall we get into the business…”, he started.
“ready, sir!”, he laughed.
“girls make friends at two reasons;
No:1- they need somebody to be with at free times.
No:2- they’ll really like somebody and they’ll want them to speak with”, Joseph continued.
“you must fall under the second category. Just make her like you for what you are. Treat her like you friends but no rubbish words! Be gentle; genuine and confident. Accompany her wherever she goes but only if she needs you. Take care of your looks, my boy! Never leave her down at any cause. She must believe in you and you must give her that sort of belief. Never take advantage on her. Share all your secrets and get her to you. Study with her in classrooms. Make groups accommodating her…”, Joseph continued.
“saturated, dad! I’ll need half a decade for all this…”, Satheesh was tired saying it.
“yeah! work it out! Once you clear all this we move further”, Joseph left saying.
The next day, Satheesh went near her during lunch. He extended his hand saying, “friends!”
“okay, friends! “, she smiled.
“friends share their lunch”, he started eating her lunch!
She liked all his mad acts and they started talking more from that day. He made laugh every moment she spent with him. Nila really frustrated by her father felt very cool and free to come to school and spend time with him.
“Nila! these are my friends…Rohit, Guru, Nisha! And guys this is Nila! my…friend”, he introduced.
“we knew it man. She’s your friend”, Rohit mocked. There was a burst of laughter and now their gang had five cowards. Nila was really comfortable with him within days and she started sharing all her secrets; worries in life; things about his father; her ambition to become a writer. Whenever he tried asking her number, he remembered his father’s words, “never ask for her mobile number until she gives you out of interest”. So controlled himself but he was really happy roaming around with her and of course, he loved all the rumours about them. He had certain scars fighting for her.
Days rolled on and he was more and more lost in her. They were together everytime and he used to drop her everytime in her van. He would stand there until the van moved out of the school and out of no surprise his studies were also highly improved atleast to impress her. He tried it for every single moment. Everytime he left her, he was like, “am gonna’ miss you so much!”, he would say blushing but she ‘ll never give a reply. She would smile and leave everytime.
He was quite away from his friends but they were happy for him. They were not like usual friends getting irritated when one of their gang gets committed to something. They understood him and supported him. Basically when a single bastard from a gang gets committed or gets involved in something, the duty of the remaining is to get them out of it. It is not that they don’t want their friend to do something on his own but it is out of fear or possessiveness maybe…
Coming over here Satheesh had no distractions anymore. He was really happy about what is to be happening everyday in his life and it was like a dream to him. This time he took up his exams more confidently not because he had got Nila but because that he had to prove something. Everytime he would feel something in his stomach, where the butterflies use to fly inside his stomach when he gets the question paper ( basic student’s feel)
This time he had scored very well and more marks in Tamil. Nila was really happy about that. She was really concerned about him and she had never felt that in anyone else till date. Everything was new for her but she hardly expressed. Even on that he dropped her in her van and he was leaving.
“Satheesh! bye!”, she smiled. Satheesh could not believe it and out of anxiety he said blushing, “ yeah! Byee! And Nila am gonna’ miss you…” he was out of his world. He returned home and he wanted to tell his dad. He was waiting for his success party! Joseph secretly entered his room.
“dad! I‘ve made it dad!”, he shouted.
“what’s going on here?”, Mithra blasted…


© arvind