

I only want you- Chapter 5
Dad I miss you so much, he was standing so close to me, he seems to be happy, life has been hard for me.

Don't worry my child everything will be fine, am certain it will be, I just have one thing to tell you

What is it dad?

Dad you were going to say something

"Emily" are you awake? you finally woke up

I felt someone touch my hand, it was mom. I asked  how did I get here the last thing I remembered was that I was leaving a party and a car crushed into me. Mom replied saying I got a call form Tessa saying you was hit by a car I thought I tould you not to go to the party, yet you went.

Mom I'm sorry but I really wanted to go, few minutes ago I saw dad again he was looking so happy and healthy. Emily you was just dreaming it isn't real you was in a coma for one month and two weeks. I continuously came  here ever day and night hoping you would wake, I thought I was going to lose you.

Oh mom nice to see you care about me now, I taught Logan was your favorite,

Stop that nonsense you are both my child I will care for you guys all the time she stated.

Speaking of Logan where is he mom?

He's at school, he said he would visit you later on in the day. And I was talking to doctor Phil a few minutes ago that your health is all good and that you were lucky you didn't get a memory loss, you will be able to go home within a few days.

Your classmates brought you flowers and placed them beside your bed, also here are some letters they wrote. Tessa gave me this one and said you should read it right as you wake.

I am going to leave you to it, and go home and freshen up and be back.

Ok mom I will be here when you get back. Left there alone was horrible, the food they gave me to eat was disgusting, but I tried to eat it tho. I wanted to read the letter from Tessa but I was still angry with her because of what she did to me. But I gave in a opened the letter, I started reading with frear.

- Dear Emily,

You were my best friend  for six years and I have learnt so much from you over the years, I won't say what I did was right am sorry I kissed Zac the only boy you every liked, I was drunk and I was not in my right mind, am sorry to say this but I am no longer going to be in the neighborhood my mom got a job at a bakery in Texas and she decided to take the job and she's bringing me with her, I wish I could stay and make things right with you tho , sorry to leave so sudden. I hope you get better and I will see you some day, and remember to always smile.

-Yours Truly, Tessa

When I had finish reading the letter I was trying so hard not to cry, as I heard a footstep, as the person walked in through the door where I was lying on the bed I looked up and saw Zac.

Hey Emily, I know you don't want to see or talk to me now but I just wanted to apologize once more to make sure you are fine, I was trying to come visit you all week but the lady at the front desk of the hospital wouldn't let me.

I respond saying it's fine zac I forgave you a long time ago. We should just remain friends for now.

So isn't there any chance of us getting together again.

I honestly don't know time will tell.

I bought you a fresh bouquet of flowers, pizza, a box of chocolate and I brought my iPad so we could bing watch a movie. I am little surprised That I don't see your parents, where are they.

Oh my mom went home for a while she won't be here for the next two hours so we have alot of time to watch the movie. If the nurse comes in and ask who you are I will surely say that you are my cousin.

I absolutely love chocolate what flavour is it?

"The milk one"

Thank you again, because the food here food here disgust me. And you didn't have to be here.

I wanted to be here with you, let's just start watching the movie.

Few minutes later,

We both watch the movie called "Growns up" we were having some much fun, laughing and talking, until Zac said that he had to go home to prepare dinner for his family.

That's fine with me, I guess we will see each other at school when I come back next week.

As Zac left there came Logan rushing through the door and gave me a hug and asked If I was feeling better. I said yes I am, that's so thoughtful of you to care for me.

Oh don't flatter yourself I only came here because mom said to he said while sitting on a chair next to me.

Uhg, your so fucking selfish.

Emily watch your words that's inappropriate and Anna is downstairs at the vending machine grabbing a snack she will me here in a minute  mom said as she walked in,

Oh I didn't know she came with you guys. And it's not my fault he pisses me off, and why is he here again it makes no sense. Speaking of Anna here she is

Mom can you and Logan give us some privacy so Anna and I can talk.

Yes sure.

So Anna what's new at school is it as boring has when I left.

I really don't want to say this but I have to you anyway, they are some rumors saying that you slept with Zac.

What! That's not true we only went out on a few dates nothing more. Both of us continued talking for twenty minutes, then mom walked in with two police man, I started to think that I was the one who did something until they both introduce themselves as officer Cain and Harper and they started saying that the are working on my case trying to figure out who had hit me that night because it was a "hit and run".

I could give you a clue I said to the police offers I only saw that they had a red car and the driver was very young, maybe just the same age as me.

Thank You for that information but we will need more evidence than that, we would have the check out the street camera's for more details once who find out who it is we will contact your mother. Officer Cain said while walking out the door and flirting with my mother,

I really hate this world of romance.

After the officers left, I looked out side and saw my mother talking to docter Phil once again, then she came in and inform me that I could go home a little earlier because it seems that my body is healing very quickly.

So that means I can go home now, please help me get into the wheel chair. I went into the car with mom and Logan, I know you must be wondering where Anna went, well she had to go to the nail salon.

30 minutes later

I had reached home in late hours I couldn't even get the chance to eat anything all I wanted to do was to go sleep, and that was what I did, I went and layed down on my soft pillows, trying to sleep and continue the dream I had about my father in the hospital. _____________________________

© kimaleeclarke