

The Mid-Autumn Festival's Tale.
Once upon a moonlit night, in a small village, the Mid-Autumn festival was about to begin. The air was filled with joy and happiness as families gathered to celebrate.

As the lanterns were lit, a young girl named Mei gazed up at the sky, "Look, Mama ! The moon is so bright tonight. It's like a golden orb watching over us."

Her mother smiled and replied, "Yes, Mei. The moon is a symbol of unity and family reunion during this festival. It brings us all together, no matter how far apart we may be."

Just then, Mei's mischievous little brother, Li, tugged at her sleeve. "Mei, let's go play with the lanterns ! I want mine to be the brightest in the entire village."

Mei chuckled and nodded,"Alright, Li. Let's make our lanterns shine like stars in the night sky."

They joined the lantern procession, weaving through the streets with the sound of laughter and music filling the air. Mei's lantern glowed in soft hues of pink, while Li's lantern flickered with shades of blue.

As they reached the village square, they saw an old man sitting under a tree, his face illuminated by the lanterns. Mei approached him and asked, "Excuse me, Sir. Are you enjoying the festival ?"

The old man smiled warmly and replied, "Ah, the Mid-Autumn festival. It reminds me of my youth, when I would chase after the moon's reflection on the water. It's a time for reflection and gratitude."

Li, always curious, asked, "Why do we eat mooncakes during this festival ?"

The old man chuckled and said, "Mooncakes symbolize unity and togetherness. Just like the moon, they bring people closer. Each bite is a reminder of the love and blessings we share with our loved ones."

"Have you ever heard the Mid-Autumn festival's tale ?" asked the old man, his voice warm and gentle.

Mei and Li shared a glance and shook their head in reply.

"Why don't you both sit with me and I'll tell you the story?"asked the old man.

Li, being the curious one, as always, happily replied," Yes, yes, please. "

The old man chuckled and invited them to sit down. Once they were all settled comfortably, he began,"Long ago, there were ten suns that took turns illuminating the Earth. But one day, all ten suns appeared in the sky together, scorching the land and causing great suffering. The people cried out for help, and a brave archer named Hou Yi answered their plea. "

" Hou Yi, armed with his bow and arrows, embarked on a daring mission to save humanity. He climbed to the top of the highest mountain and took aim at the suns. With his incredible skill, he shot down nine of the suns, leaving only one to provide light and warmth. "

" Impressed by his bravery, the Queen of Heaven rewarded Hou Yi with an elixir of immortality. However, Hou Yi did not want to live forever without his beloved wife,Chang'e. He decided to keep the elixir safe until the time was right. "

" One day, while Hou Yi was away, a wicked apprentice discovered the elixir and demanded Chang'e to give it to him. Fearing his intentions, Chang'e refused, and drank the elixir herself. Instantly, she floated up to the heavens, becoming the Goddess of the Moon. "

" Heartbroken, Hou Yi, gazed at the moon, longing to be reunited with his wife. To honour her, he started the tradition of offering sacrifices and mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn festival, believing that Chang'e would hear his prayers and bring blessings upon the people. "

" And so, we celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival to this day, with lanterns, mooncakes, and family gatherings, as a way to remember the love and sacrifice of Hou Yi and Chang'e, and to cherish the unity and togetherness that the moon symbolize. "

Mei and Li listened intently, their eyes wide with wonder. They realized that the Mid-Autumn Festival was not just about lanterns and mooncakes, but about the joy of being together and cherishing the moments that make life special.

And so, under the moon's gentle glow, the parents of Mei and Li joined them with a basket full of mooncakes, fruits and snacks and tea for a late night picnic. All four of them, along with the old man continued their conversation, sharing stories and laughter, creating memories that would forever be etched in their hearts.
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