


I remember the old days when Grandma would summon us to the mud-plastered kitchen. She'd ask us to stretch out our palms, and then place a bitter leaf, ewuro, on each one. We hated its taste, but she'd compel us to chew the whole leaf, saying, 'Life is like a bitter leaf - utterly bitter, but sweet as well.' Back then, I thought her perspective on life was delusional.

But today, her words resonate deeply. Life isnt all that sweet since the over throw of a new government, and a new regime took power, ignoring the masses. The government has become a tool for the elite to feed themselves and oppress their followers. Tomatoes, once a staple, now cost a thousand naira and can't even fill a baby's bowl. I can no longer afford to steal and chew on cow meat while chopping it in the kitchen like I used to. Everything edible costs a fortune, and the standard of living increases by the minute. I wonder how low-class families manage to feed themselves.

Yet, amidst the bitterness, we've found sweetness - the aftertaste of the bitter leaf. God, who feeds the birds of the air, still puts food on our table. I hold onto hope for better days ahead, when life will be sweet and comforting once more.

© Oluwatobiloba Akinnate