

Not meant for love
Not Meant For Love
Season 1 (episode 01): The tragedy
Young James is blessed having a wonderful family and living far from his home land, He’s the only Son of his Family. He was showered somuch love by his parents and elder siblings because he was the youngest in the family and only son. Things are going smoothly in his life both at school, at church and at home. He’s one of the most brilliant Pupil and so handsome and friendly; this makes him the most popular pupils at school, But amongst all his Friends he cherish most his best friend “Daneil, they’re known to always be together it’s said that anywhere you find James you find Daniel.
However it’s been 6years of study now and it’s the final year of his Elementary Study and will soon to graduate to Secondary School. This year looks promising because earlier James won a Scholarship in his School to finish his Final year Elementary Study without Paying any Fees at all; This made his Father so Proud of him, his Father happens to be his Favorite and and very close friend, They’re always close to eachother and he always helped him with his homework, they played together a lot also because his Father believes “all work with no plays make Jack a dull boy.
Finally the exams approaches and James wrote and came out in flying colors, that day was the happiest day of his life but then a tragedy happened that night his Father and his Family went to bed after celebration for his passing out of Elementary school with flying colors then comes the morning 🌄 everyone woke up with joy as usual but his Father didn’t make it the next morning he died in his sleep.
At this stage of his life he needed his Dad the most but lost him a twinkle of an eye. Loneliness begins to set in the Life of James even though he had his Mother and Sister it was never like when his father was around. Life totally went South with no direction because his Dad has been his Amusement and inspiration.

SEASON 1 (episode 02): The Desperate Mother
Now it’s time for burial preparations of his father, it’s time to lay his Father to rest.
As a popular culture in Nigeria the dead body of the deceased is expected to buried in his/her homeland,
Now James and his Mother and Siblings needs to travel back to village for their Father’s burial.
At the village all family members are gathered to mourn with them, James gets to see some
of his Cousins and extended family, It still looked like a dream to James that his beloved Father
is gone, Loneliness begins to set in because his Father was like all he ever had due to his Mom
never had time always working and coming back home late, She is a Working-Class Lady. He begins to
remember the word of advise his Dad always gave him then this made him calm and chill.
Soon James’s father’s corpse have been put to earth, Now James and his family
are back to the city things was never the same he began feeling lonely even at school
he could not keep up with kids at school he is always seen unhappy even when
thrown a funny joke, It seems his Father’s sudden death left a mark on James.
James’s Mother ‘Mrs Agatha Adeyinka needs some fast cash to add up to her fabrics
And texture business and the only way to achieve this is to befriend her son to
get him sign some bank documents which belongs to her husband since James
is the next of kin to his Father’s savings account. Mrs Agatha takes the advantage
of the loneliness that James has been displaying and started coming back early from work to help
him with his homework and played with him infact they became five(5) and six (6)
James was so happy that him and his mother are now close and friends, he felt
so happy and confinded in his mother for anything but he never knew his mom was using
him just to gain his trust to sign some vital documents.
Now Mrs Agatha have finally got her Son’s trust so the crafty woman moves to
the next action which is getting James to sign the Documents
Meanwhile James recalls his Father telling him to ask questions before signing or
better still read before signing, his Father quoted “signining without reading means
You agree to your demise” . The next Day in the Afternoon Mrs Agatha came to
her son’s school during break time and ask for permission from his teacher Mrs
Iroka Juliet who agreed to let them go but conditioning her to return him before break is
ended. Now at the bank premises with his Mom about to sign some documents
James ask his mom what the documents was all about Mrs Agatha answered and
said “Nothing that important dear”, this Sparks a flashback to him about what
his Father said about signing what you’re not sure but because the new trust
and freindship he has developed with his mother he decided to sign.
Mrs Agatha finally got what she wanted and excorted her son back to school.
Getting to school his conscience started judging him but he waved it away. Arriving home that day he mistakenly bumped into his mother’s phone laying
at the sitting room’s table he saw the message on her phone by Access bank
that his father’s saving account has been signed by the next of kin and his mother’s account
had been credited. This broke the heart of James and he made a promise not
trust his Mother again that it’s better to be lonely than to trust someone ever

SEASON 1 (episode 03): the separation
It has been a year since the pass away of James's Father, now James is in Junior
Secondary School 1(one) about to write his last his final exam for the class in order to
to pass to the next class. Things were not going smoothly for Mrs. Agatha’s fabric and
textile business even after getting James to sign off the money and basically her business
was the source of survival of the family at the main time; with this she has no other
option but to send James to live with her sister in the neighboring city; this was
what her husband will never agree to when he was alive for any of his children to live under
someone because of the experience he had with his aunt back then in his early childhood.
Mrs Agatha had no choice due to lack of resources and funds so needed to send James
and one his siblings to live with some of her sister in the neighboring city , meanwhile James has
began to blend back with his friends at school but with this news everything changed for
him it was a very bad news to his ears but he had no option but to do what his mother
says. James arrived at his aunt’s place at Izelle town; the town was well developed even
more than his city and he was warmly welcomed by his aunt and her husband, he felt
at home.
However you never know someone’s true nature until you live with them. Mrs. Onyinye
was James favorite aunt but as things goes on it seems she was living under pretense.
James was tormented and rendered useless by his aunt, James did all the house hold
chores, took care of his aunt’s kids; did their homework . James was sent to a public
school and never had time to read his books, life was hard for James.
James’s mother never bothered visiting him she only called to check up on him through
His aunt’s phone and he would always reply he was fine because his aunt was there with
him and didn't want to upset her but though James’s eldest sister always came by to check
on him but due to the presence of his aunt he would always pretend like it was okay with him, Though
he always tried to find a way communicate to his sister but to no avail. James started developing hatred for family he said to himself “The only true family I ever had was my dad”. Loneliness started creeping into the life of James, he was never seen happy at school or home but even at this James still was brilliant and hardworking not to mention he still managed to look handsome even though the mal-treatment was much .
At school was coming up a Mathematics competition and the teachers of Junior Secondary 2(Jss2) and Junior Secondary 3(Jss3) was asked to pick their four (4) best math Student to represent the class, James was selected from JSS2 to represent his class. James surprised everyone and was the reason his class won. But this was just the beginning of the ups and downs of James’s life

SEASON 1 (episode 04): The betrayal
Now James is well known in school due to his intelligence and numerous competition he has won in
favor of the school. Basically all girls in his School had a crush on him, they all wanted to be at least Friends with him but James never had interest in any girl except for Ijeoma; he had a crush on her since the first day he started study in the school, James was too shy to ask Ijeoma out and moreover he only came to study and not to get a girlfriend so he remained focus with his studies and never said a word to Ijeoma.
Meanwhile things was still hard at home, he still needs to do all the house hold chores even though his Junior Secondary Certificate Exam was at the corner his aunt never cared rather she made himwork more harder, sometimes James wanted to take his life but he remembers about his father and the disgrace a suicide would bring to his family's name this made him resist that desire to commit suicide. Mrs Ujunwa James mathematics teacher at school observed him and always knew that something was wrong somewhere with him because sometimes he displays absent mindedness; he forgets himself a lot no to mention that he has never been seen smiling or laughing infact he was regarded at school as “James Bond”. However the only time you might find a spark of smile in James's face is when Ijeoma was around him ofwhich Mrs. Ujunwa have also noticed.
Well due the exams the students where paired in two as study partners, Mrs. Ujunwa used this opportunity to pair James and Ijeoma together as study partners, well Ijeoma and James got along pretty well they became best friends; he was always seen happy like never before, Ijeoma brought back joy and meaning to James’s life. Mrs Ujunwa was so happy to see her best maths student happy once again, even James’s aunt noticed the change in her nephew’s behavior lately, the constant smile written all over his face of course she knew he must have found love but nevertheless continued mal-treating him she even made it worst this time.
On the exam day James, Ijeoma and Emeka (Ijeoma’s twin brother ) sat for the exams in the same sit, so the first paper came in that morning it was mathematics which was James’s favorite subject although Ijeoma also knew maths but not as well as James on the other hand Emeka never read his books he always depends on his twin sister . Unfortunately that day the invigilator available was very good at his job and it didn’t take him few minutes to notice a piece of mathematics solutions on the floor close to James’s sit meanwhile it was never James’s then the invigilator asked the three of them at the seat to provide who the sheet of paper containing maths solutions was meant for, immediately Emeka points accusing fingers on James and immediately Ijeoma backed her brother up although she knew her brother was lying but didn’t want her brother to repeat class because Mathematics was a very important subject you need to write and pass if you really wants to pass the exams. Even though her conscience was judging her she would still support her twin brother
James was heart broken and betrayed by the girl he loved, he was sent out of the exam hall and never wrote the mathematics exam. After the exams Ijeoma could not look into James eye and was ashamed of what she did. But what has been done has been done. Of course James knew he was never going to pass due to the mathematics exam he didn’t write and has made up his mind to repeat the class.

SEASON FINALE (episode 05): Not meant for love
The awaited Junior Secondary Certificate Exam results finally came out and as predicted James failed the exams so have to repeat JSS3 due to he didn’t write maths. Life seemed upside down for James; being heart broken and now have to repeat JSS3. His mother was shocked to hear that her son was to repeat JSS3 and so was his aunt even though she mal-treated him she knew James was brilliant and would never score a low mark talkmore of repeating a class. This incident made his mother to visit his aunt’s house to see him for the first time since he was sent over to live with his aunt, James was shocked to see his mother in person for a very long time but nevertheless was not happy seeing her. His mother expected a more warmly welcome from her son atleast a hug but no he would only say to her “welcome mom, longest time; this left some prints on his mother’s conscience. His mother thought deeply about the attitude displayed by her son towards her and was deeply worried coupled with the fact that he’s to repeat JSS3, she knew she had done something wrong to ever bring him to stay with her sister, she flash back on her sister ill behavior when they were young and already knew that some of them must have contributed to James’s new behavior but still she could not do anything due to lack of finance, she just muttered within herself.
James mother has gone back to the neighboring city where she lives. It was the first day at school for the next term resumption, while other student where moving to a new class James is doomed to remain in his former class. Mrs Ujunwa called on James to meet him in her office because she knew James wouldn’t repeat JSS3 for no reason, at Mrs Ujunwa office James narrated everything to her and she believed him infact she was the only person to believe his story while others made fun of him that he was a hypocrite, Life was not really easy for James especially when he sees his mate in their Senior Secondary Trousers he will always flashback to the incident that occurred on the exam day not to mention that the girl he loved betrayed him. Every Thursdays and Fridays came some Catholic missionary preist to share the word of God with the students especially the students in Jss3 which was James’s class. James began taking great interest in their teaching and was inspired by them and they gave him meaning and source of joy, he even forgave Ijeoma and moved on with his life, life was so promising for him anytime he would listen to the teachings of Rev. Fr John. Meanwhile on the other hand Fr. John noticed the great interest developed by James in the Catholic teachings although James was not a Catholic he was a Pentecostal.
That day James went home and thought about his life from the day his father died till now; how his mother lured him to sign off his Father’s bank documents since he was the next of kin, how Ijeoma the girl he loved so much betrayed him and he had to repeat JSS3, at that moment he knew he was not meant for love the only person that ever showed him love either died or just did it for their own gain or either betrayed him so he made up his mind that love was not meant for him.
The next day at school Fr. John told the children about the sponsorship for any boychild interested in becoming a priest; this was exactly what James was looking he said to himself “ if am not meant for love with humans I believe not certainly with God, afterall since this few days his teachings has been my amusement and by source of joy. He told Fr.Jonh of his interest in becoming a priest with no hesitation due to the great interest the boy has developed in catholic teachings Fr.John gave him some documents to fill and bring it back the next day
Getting home he told his aunt who in turn told his mom, James’s Mother had nothing to say because she believed at this point he can make his own decisions and coupled with the fact that she has been long gone from her son’s life. The next day at school James submitted the documents to Fr.Jonh who submitted it to the Diocese.
Weeks later his documents was approved and has been granted admissions at St. Leo’s seminary school, Azaca. James was so happy and is ready to begin his journey as a priest, finally maybe he’s meant for love in the eyes of God who is genuine and truthful since he isn’t meant for this earthly love.
Years later James has finished his Seminary Studies and has been ordained a priest……………………………………..THE END

© Emeleo