

corona lockdown part 1
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember... I leeped out of bed and my head was turning as I cried and cried. Let's go back to when this started. My grandmother was sick and since my stepmom who I previously lived with and my dad had abused me I had
gone to live with my grandmother. this whole corona virus had started and it was all across the United States. Because of that everyone was put in quarantine it sounds fun but after a while it gets so boring. My grandmother had started to get pain in her ear. And it kept getting worse this morning I was getting her iv
cepacks and water her ear was BLEEDING from the inside. I kept bringing her water time to time.the day had passed and I was getting ready for bed I grabbed my laptop and went in my room it was about 11:16 and I heard a BASH on the floor I remembered the story on how my grandmother told me that at about 1:00 in the morning the day before she had collapsed trying to get to the bathroom if it weren't for my grampa she would have been laying there till morning when I got up. I paused .. shaking all over. thoughts rushed through my head do I go out to check do I stay in bed... I decided to go check and I saw my grandmother lying on the coach in the TV room all cozy I was so glad nothing happened but if she's ok. What made that crashing sound...