

Always Running.... Running from Happy, Running from Sad, Running From Mad, Running from Glad......
Well this story starts about 41 years ago in Gainesville, Georgia where I was born to Susan and Gary Robbins. I was 6lbs 8ozs. My paw paw said I looked like a drenched rat...We very soon after I was born and we moved back home to a small town Dora Alabama. My mother didn't like to living away from her mother. So we had to move back right after I was born. So I'm actually a Georgia Peach but not really I'm from Alabama but not really there either.LOL... I lived in Pensacola Florida longer than Alabama.My father worked at Jack's hamburgers, the only fast food other than Hardees, in our small town in 1978. My mother never worked hardly a day in her life..Which you could see as good or bad. Its It's both. Lucky her but not so lucky. What do you think. They didn't last very long,they divorced when I was 3. I was crushed..... I was my daddys only child,and I was the biggest daddys girl. The last memory I have is my daddy taking the tomatoes off his burger, because he knew I didn't like them.... Then my mother, being mad at him, decided to snatch it out if his hands and threw it against the wall. Pure jealousy and hatefulness..... My dad never came back to that marriage. I was only 3. Prior to marrying my dad she was married and got it anulled.My grandparents allowed her to get married only because he was our preacher's son.It was a very brief time. She then met another man and quickly got married. As you can guess quickly divorced too.She then began her next journey and marriage to my sisters father. This man was nothing but evil.... He molested me and my cousin and was trying to have more victims until we stopped it. well by we I mean my step sisters because they went back home to their grandparents and that Wednesday night at church they told a lady they trusted. She immediately called my step father thier father. My mother and him were at my grandparents house and all of us girls were at my house.house.The phone rang......... I was the only one allowed to answering the phone, because I was the oldest. I answered.answered.It was my mother demanding all of us come to maw maw and paw paws right then. We had to all sit in the living room...... My uncle and aunt were summoned as well. They then ask all of us about what he had done and was it true or not......we all today everything.... It was like we were being interrogated. My mother then replied............It didn't happen there is no way it could have....... We then were taken to the police department to make a report. Then to the hospital to b.c. e examined. We were all supposed to have therapy..... My mother allowed me to only go one time. Finally she met her last husband at our church durring a revival because our preacher was his uncle.uncle.So he came to visit. Well they quickly got married, bought a new double wide, and moved his two girls in with mother and her two girls. We had never met before and was just forced to move in together. The kicker really was when they separated the sisters, they put me and his oldest in the same room. My sister and his youngest in the same room. Get this my name is Brandi and his oldest name was Brandy too. This marriage lasted the longest of all of them. In the beginning there was physical abuse, but it finally got better and stopped. He was the best step dad that I had.had. They were together for 13 years. Well many things happened durring all these years and all these marriages. The main event that changed my life was the molestation and the fact that mother was clinically depressed. She never came ouout of room unless it was to go to the bathroom. I was eight years old and raising my younger sister, doing all the cooking and cleaning. Basically all of her wifely and motherly duties. I never realized how much this affected me until years later. It rears its ugly head from time to time. Sometimes worse than others. As I get older and wiser I do learn from all the things I have been through. What doesn't kill you does make you stronger..... It makes you who you are..... Its your story...... No matter what life throws at you, you still have to keep going. Well I lived in the government housing or with my grandparents most of my childhood. In between men or moods my mother would allow me to stay with maw maw and paw paw, which is where I wanted to be,but she would come snatched me back just as quickly as she dropped me. Depending on the day. I was also raised in a very Christian family Penticostial to be exact. Very good wholesome church life oh yeah and don't forget who was raising my sister that was 8 years my junior. A lot of stuff.... Well not stuff. Many major events that prepredicted my future.I didn't realize how much they affected me until later in life. I started to discover the reasons why I would do certain things or act a certain way. I whole heartedly believbelieve that being molested caused me to be to promiscuous at such an early age. I blocked slot of trama out as well. Because not only was I trying to be my age and act normal like nothing was wrong. All the while I was raising my sister who was 9 years my junior. so being a daughter a mother a sister a wife all at eight years old. It was hard and I sti deal with the repercussions all the time. An eight year old should never have to do the things I had to do.

I'm going to now just share some journal entries:
Blackburn here again and yes from the same look out the lovely Alexander residence this I am literally happy with my baby and the progress we have made I love him so much he is so good just I didn't realize how much until you hear other people talk about how bad their lives are NC how other man traits are women and their family he is an honest hard-working loyal and knows how to do anything we are so blessed to have him I pray that God softens my heart and then I don't think I'm asking for granted or take out on him what other people have done to me. I pray that God softens my heart and that I start showing him how much I love and appreciate him.him.
Blackbird coming to you once again from the same location.I know, I know, what you're thinking I'm finally coming to you from the same place the Alexander residence A change for me and I have to say a great change for me. I am very happy to have a man that really loves me and my son and wants nothing but the best for us.us.He has the qualities of a great husband.husband.He handles everything just like a man is supposed to. He only has one bad thing going for him. Its It's that he constantly thinks I am living to him or talking to other men. So for that I am gonna pray about that.