

M. Test.
Help!... 😱😱😱Shivers ran down every fibre of my spine, my stomach did a backflip, that landed with an Explosion that shook my brain to its core...... Oh noooooooo, my fingers gripped my biro..... my heart clattered against my ribcage. Every sinew of my neck strained and tensed as my breath quivered in my nostrils. I was drawn to stare at my exercise book by some unknown gravitational force, as if it was the center of my universe.
The pages of my mind were glued and couldn't... from..answering my questions and dismissing my fears....
I felt like my subconscious had literally escaped the night before to ran marathon while I was still in bed than had silently crept back into my brain exhausted... I'm just gonna drop. Dead here.... Please God. Let it not be.... My brain did another summersault inside my cerebrospinal fluid but.... I think it landed on the wrong side!
Why?.... Why?.....?? Why does this Subject does exist... I wish there was another planet... Without this subject existing. Who would wanna play around with numbers 🔢.... Graciously not ME!...
I wish I had a fairy godmother 🧚‍♂️ who with the flick of her wand goes... Razzle, dazzle, razz, matazz.... And bam!.. mission accomplished... Or a magic potion disguised in my biros ink... That write answers when it's tip. Touches the paper 📄...
Phew this is not getting better, I wish I had stay home.. But sadly I'm still here sitting like. Wonder woman... Ready to save the world.. 🙄
I'm sweating buckets, my eyeballs are. Almost to pop out 👀 I couldn't even sit still.. Invincible needles are picking an poking me..oh..how I long for a soft cushion...
Ohhhh! nooooo! Help its coming almost at the door 🚪 ohhhh hhahha..... Noooooooo.... BANG! BOOM! CRASH! KEPLONK!...................

....... DEAD! mission accomplished

No. I'm not Dead... Its Math Test.

Ps I'm terrible with Mathematics🤭🤫 😭💔.. 🙄 😂🤣