

Distant thoughts cluttered his memories. wondering about his future, while still being haunted by his past. A good life he tried to strive for, who wouldn't. The hopes of being happy, at peace, and at balance. Now his head felt like a war zone, firefights in every wrinkle, telling him what he did wrong. "You didn't listen, You didn't try hard enough, I'm losing faith in you, You need to take a step back from everything." Words that cut through him, just as sharp as a surgical scapula. He wasn't like this before, he had a tie that kept him planted to this earth. It may not have been a legit tether but one in a titanium bound infinity. This was his world for awhile, excitement over possibly futures at the time. Hopes of a family. None would come to be, and alone again he'll remain. He knew that he didn't felt like himself, hadn't for a long time. "Wasn't till dreams of you appeared again, wasn't till I saw you again." passing thoughts as he tries to forget her eye color. Tries to forget the soft sound of her voice, the warm comfort from her embraces. "Who am I without you?" He asks, scribbling away at a blank page. "Is this how this ends."
© theillusivewriter