

Social media - A person?
Isn't social media like a person, a feeling, an emotion..?

When you're happy- you share a pic or status
When you're sad- you share a pic or some post
When you're alone- you share a pic or update the status
Wherever you go or eat- you share a pic or a post of your location

When you get likes on your pic or post- you feel happy
When you don't- you become sad but can't express

We become happy when strangers or our colleagues whom we don't meet for years comment or like on our posts. More the likes, bigger the happiness.

Your parents know where you are because of your social media status

You at times die posting your video on social media

It does everything, isn't it? But when we're in crisis or real pain, for some reason this social media also choses to ignore us and we reach to real people, our families n friends.

Question- Why n with whom do we share all these things so religiously.. Is social media a PERSON who really cares what we think or do?

Maybe a thought to ponder..

© AB