

Ends In Aid Season 1 Part 21
(Voiced By Ruth)
Honestly, I'm not happy that My dad took over Frank's Company....well, why am I even calling him Frank.....when he has changed his name to Nathan.
Well, the way my dad does things lately....I mean he keeps on taking over people's companies and owning them. It's really not fair.
Sometimes, I wonder if my dad can't be satisfied with what he has. I don't know why he can not just say....'okay, I've got enough companies, let me work and live With that. Well, I think someone should just tell my dad to stop it with such madness or let me say...obsession. And I think I'll be the best person to tell him, since I'm his daughter but the problem is that.....I really don't want to get on his bad side....I don't want him to get angry with me....I hope one day, i'll be able to tell him what I really feel concerning what he loves doing all the time.
Well, I am sitted on an office chair in my office and I'm trying to work with my laptop.....just checking on some stuffs.
Then out of a sudden, my door opens up and my dad walks into my office with a smile.
Well, I can't be surprised concerning his smile because he's always happy especially with me, his daughter.
He said "hey, how is my one and only princess doing?".
I replied "well, I'm doing fine, dad".
As my dad closes the door behind him.
He said "you're looking good like always".
I replied "yeah, dad. You know that I always try to look my best".
He said "and I'm glad you do (as he sits down on an office chair infront of me) You know what?".
I asked "what dad?".
He answered "i can't wait to see you married and bear grandchildren For me".
I said "well, dad. You've got to really be patient concerning that matter because I ain't planning to marry any sooner".
He asked "wait, what about that your boyfriend that you told me about...hmmm, you said that his name is....hmm, hmm....yeah, I can remember now...Frank. I have never seen him before....I've only heard about him from you. Well, I'll like to meet him".
I said "hmm, dad, there's something that you've got to know".
He asked "and what is that?".
I answered "that I and Frank broke up".
He asked "why? What happened? I thought you two loved eachother....why did you two break up?".
I answered "well, dad, you know that breaking up ain't impossible..so, you shouldn't be surprised".
He replied "so, how are you doing emotionally".
I said "come on, dad, please, don't start worrying about me. I'm fine, really. I mean I don't have Time to weep about a relationship that didn't work when I have a new perfect relationship that I love".
He asked "wait, you have a new boyfriend?".
I answered "yes, dad. His name is Nathan".
He asked "well, I'll like to see him. Please, would you invite him for dinner at our house?".
I answered "sure, dad. No problem".
He replied "thanks. Just know that I'm happy that you're happy". As he stands up.
I said "dad, please, sit down. There's something I've got to talk about".
He asked "what is it?".
Well, I brought this up because I'll like to use this opportunity to talk to my dad concerning what he does....that I don't like. I just hope that he can consider my request and put an end to his madness of taking over companies that aren't his own.
I'll just try to say my idea in the best respectful way....my only problem at this moment is that I hope my request doesn't get my dad angry with me.
My immediate silence made him say this "wait, I thought you wanted to tell me something".
I replied "yes, dad".
He said "then tell me already....why are you delaying me".
I asked "am i?".
He answered "yes, you are".
I said "well, I'm sorry dad for the silence. I was just trying to think about how to approach the matter".
He replied "well, I've got no problem concerning how you wanna say it. Say it the way you wanna say it.....you really don't have to configure your approach to meet with my expectations....just say it anyway".
I said "well, since you said so....I'll say it anyway".
He replied "Good. Go on".
I said "dad, I don't like what you keep on doing".
He asked "wait a minute, what are you talking about?".
I answered "oh dad, you know what I'm talking about".
He asked "and what is it?".
I answered "dad, please stop taking over other people companies. Stop taking what's not yours".
He replied "and I really thought that you wanted to tell me something meaningful".
I said "but dad, this is something very meaningful".
He replied "See, if you want me to stop owning companies.....then forget because I ain't gonna stop it.....You know why?.....Because I'm doing it all for you".
I asked "for me?.....Come on, dad, what on earth would I be doing with five companies. Isn't one enough for me?....why do I need five companies to be satisfied?. Dad, please, if you didn't know....I'm satisfied with one company".
He replied "well, you may not appreciate what I'm trying to do for this family.....but you're not gonna stop me from doing what I wanna do For this family and beyond".
I said "please, dad. I appreciate your effort and I'm glad concerning your contributions ti this family and beyond but dad, you are depriving the real owners from their own inheritance".
He replied "you know what? This conversation ends now. I don't want you to ever mention such again in your life. You won't tell me what to do with my life.(as he stands up) well, I'm not gonna be angry with you but please, don't bring up such topic ever again. Just make sure you invite your new boyfriend for dinner at our house".
I said "okay, dad".
He replied "good". As he walks out of my office.
Well, isn't my dad extremely stubborn?
Yeah, sure he is.