

The School Mines
Hello reader!

I am Peter, Peter Heffely. Actually my friends and family call me Pete. I live in Dallas, Texas, USA. So I will start with my story of my school, as I am only 12 years old.

So let's start!

14 June 2019

"Dear students, as everyone knows that June month is a very boring month, we would like to conduct a super activity - The School Mines. In this super activity, in the school ground, there are boundaries made with paint and every House, has it own area to dig and find precious stones and gold bricks. These are not real gold bricks and diamonds but they look like that. Anyways, some workers and school staff have hidden those precious stones and gold. So, children, from today to 21st june, this super activity will be conducted every day in first four periods. The house which finds the most gold and stones, wins a big golden trophy. So all the best children. Thank you." The principal of our school said. So, it was a fun activity. So we went in our class and suddenly announcement occured that the super activity is conducting soon. Please line up in your houses. So we went to ground and my house's area was in the cornwr oof the playground. And believe me, all people in my house gave up and sat on the bench thinking there is 0% chance of getting any jewels (fake) . All the other houses brought the tools and found many jewels. But we didn't even find one. Suddenly a person who was sitting at the corner of the bench saw a gold brick covered with sand under his foot. He told everyone and everyone were dancing like mad people. So then what, we all started mining. And we got 7 jewels including that gold brick. And then the bell rang and all houses stoped mining and went back to the class. That day my house captain said me to make a messenger (of facebook) group so we all house people can communicate. Well, that idea was nice. So at the end of the day, while dispersal, we discussed to make a machine which can dig a lot and find many jewels. And believe me, the idea was accepted. So then a very intelligent child was responsible for making that machine. I came home and made the messenger group. And we discussed a lot of things on that group. At, night the the child who was making the machine for taking out jewels sent his machine photo and it was actually looking cool.

15 June 2019

Today or school was open force the super activity of mining only. that kid brought his machine and that was actually taking out so many jewels. Suddenly, rain came. Our machines was not water resistant or water proof, so it stopped working and died. And also the jewels went more down iinto the sand. First they were 2-6 metres down, but now they are 7-15 metres down, told us the teacher incharge there. But all houses didnt gave up. Every house continued their work in rain while all teachers were telling us to come back. Our house in all total collected 19 jewels till the school got over. This evening, I searched on google about the weather and it was all thunderstorms and 90% rain everyday from today onwards till 29 june. I sent the screenshot to the messenger group of my house. Everyone got sad. But no one gave up. Even no house gave up. And just a reminder, my house was Florida house. The red colour ones.

17 June 2019

Today it was raining extremely heavily. When we were mining, the rain drops felt like stones are falling from the sky. But no, we did not stop. The score was -

House - Jewels Collected

Texas - 14
New york - 17
California - 21
Florida - 22
Iowa - 7
Illinois - 2
Indiana - 18
Kansas - 26

The leading house was Kansas. We had to collect more. After 2 periods, we collected 32 jewels but still Kansas collected 41 of them. Then one more competitor came. California. And collected 39 jewels. Then the score was -

1st - Kansas - 46 jewels
2nd - California - 42 jewels
3rd - Florida - 38 jewels.

Suddenly bell rang and we all stopped our work. Now atleast Florida was 3nd with 38 jewels. Rest 5 houses were still lesser than us.

21 MAY 2019

after so many days of mining, this was the final day.

The score was -

1st - Kansas - 69 jewels
2nd - Florida - 68 jewels
3rd - Iowa - 64 jewels

Yes. Iowa speeded up. California was 5th with 49 jewels only! Yes, it's funny. Anyways, only last 42 minutes left and we had to come first.

32 minutes left

Kansas - 74 jewels
Florida - 71 jewels

19 minutes left

Kansas - 79 jewels
Florida - 75 jewels

7 minutes left

Kansas - 86 jewels
Florida - 81 jewels

2 minutes left

Kansas - 89 jewels
Florida - 87 jewels

48 seconds left

Kansas - 96 jewels
Florida - 91 jewels

14 seconds left

Kansas - 98 jewels
Florida - 95 jewels

7 seconds left

Kansas - 99 jewels
Florida - 97 jewels

2 seconds left

Kansas - 99 jewels
Florida - 98 jewels

At the last two nano seconds! Florida got 99 jewels! Tied! But hey, good news! Florida won the school mining super activity as Kansas got one normal stone instead of a jewel! Said our principal when he came to see the result. " Yaaaaaaaaaay! " Screamed my house! And then suddenly rain got stopped and sun was back. The final score was-

Texas - 56
New york - 28
California - 72
Florida - 99
Iowa - 89
Illinois - 11
Indiana - 66
Kansas - 98

That day, by holding the golden trophy 🏆 my house devotee feeling increased by 100%! A person from Illinois house , who was last in the super activity said- "Oh my god! Florida collected 99 jewels! At first I thought there were all in total 5 jewels in the whole playground!". They were astonished. This was my best activity in my life till now.

Thanks for reading.


~ Aks