

As I struggled to my feet, the bitter cold seeped into my bones. The wreckage of the plane loomed before me, a twisted mass of metal and debris. I stumbled forward, my eyes scanning the ground for any sign of survivors. That's when I saw it - a body, lying motionless beside me.

My heart racing, I knelt beside the figure. It was a young girl, not more than ten years old. Her bright blue eyes were frozen in a permanent stare, her skin pale and clammy. I felt for a pulse, but there was none. A sense of dread washed over me as I realized I had no memory of how we had ended up here.

But I felt like I knew her very well my heart was drowning in sorrow but u were crying I remembered. Patricia? My si...sister

I remember the moment before the crash like it was yesterday. Patricia and I were sitting in our seats, excitedly chattering about our upcoming Christmas vacation. We had just finished watching a movie on the in-flight entertainment system and were waiting for the plane to start its descent.

Patricia, being the curious and adventurous one, had gotten up from her seat to explore the plane. I had warned her to be careful and stay close, but she had wandered off to the back of the plane, eager to see what was there.

I had just called out to her, "Patricia, come back here! We're going to land soon!" when suddenly, the plane lurched violently. I felt a jolt of fear as the oxygen masks dropped down and the pilot's voice came over the intercom, calm but urgent.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we're experiencing some turbulence. Please fasten your seatbelts and remain seated until further notice."

But it was too late. The plane was shaking and rattling, and I could hear the sound of screams and cries from the other passengers. I tried to get up and find Patricia, but the plane was tilting violently to one side, and I was thrown from my seat.

That's when everything went black.

And now, here I was, lying on the cold, snowy ground, my sister's lifeless body beside me. The crash had taken everything from me - my family, my happiness, my future. All I had left was the bitter taste of grief and the haunting memory of that fateful moment before the crash.

The blood on my arms seemed to mock me, a grim reminder that I had been involved in some unknown trauma. I frantically searched the surrounding area, but there was no one else in sight. Just the two of us, alone in the frozen wilderness.

Tears streamed down my face as I cradled Patricia's lifeless body in my arms. We had been on our way to visit our grandparents for Christmas. I was supposed to protect her, but I had failed.

As I rocked her back and forth, the silence was broken only by the creaking of the plane's wreckage and the wind whispering through the trees. I was consumed by grief, my mind reeling with questions that would never be answered.

Why did the plane crash? Why was I the only survivor? And why did I have to lose the one person who meant the most to me?

With a heavy heart, I gently laid Patricia down and stumbled towards the plane, searching for any clue that might explain our fate. But there was nothing. Just the echoes of my despair.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the desolate landscape, I knew I had to find shelter and warmth. But I couldn't leave Patricia behind. I couldn't bear the thought of her lying there, alone and forgotten.

So I stayed, holding her hand, praying for a miracle that never came. And as the darkness closed in, I wept for the life we would never live, for the memories we would never make, and for the love we would never share. My little sister, my best friend, my everything - gone.

As I held Patricia's hand, I knew I had to find a way to survive and honour her memory. I slowly got up, brushed off the snow, and looked around for any sign of civilization. The plane's wreckage was scattered all over the place, but I saw a small town in the distance.

With a newfound determination, I started walking towards the town, carrying Patricia's body with me. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I had to make sure she was laid to rest properly.

As I entered the town, I was met with shocked faces and helping hands. They took Patricia's body from me and promised to take care of her. I was taken to a hospital, where I was treated for my injuries and given warm clothes and food.

Days passed, and I learned that the plane had crashed due to a technical malfunction. I was the only survivor. The townspeople were kind and supportive, but I knew I had to keep moving. I couldn't stay in one place for too long, or the grief would consume me.

So, I started walking, carrying Patricia's memory with me. I walked through mountains and valleys, cities and towns, always keeping her close to my heart. As I walked, I realized that she was still with me, in every step, every breath, and every beat of my heart.

I never forgot the little girl who had been my sister, my friend, and my everything. And I knew that as long as I kept walking, she would always be with me, guiding me towards a brighter future, one step at a time.
© P.jelilah