

To Life, with love
To smile for me,
You didn't leave anything, did you!
To celebrate,
You didn't teach me...

I had to celebrate...
I had to travel...
I had to be happy...
I had to smile...
Yes, I had to smile!

Life, you don't have anything for me - this pain and sorrow....
My needs are before you:

I have to smile
I have to travel
I have to be happy
I have to gather friends
I have to live....

Can life handle me now?
Will it consider my needs?!
Can it see me live for once?
Can it see me love?
Can it make me smile?
Can it show me this world?
Can it introduce me to millions of people?
Can it make them my companions?
Can it make them my loved ones?
Can it make some moments mine?
Can it merge my laughter with some giggles?
Can it fulfill some dreams?
Can it give me a sky just for me?

Dear life, before I die, will you make me live, or make me feel like I lived?
Even if it feels...
© rajeena