

2020 and Covid 19 Experience
New year eve of 2019, I was so excited and filled with expectations for 2020. I and my family counted down excitedly till 12am and all screamed Happy New Year!!! sending messages and calling everyone to wish them a Happy 2020!!!. I already had my plans for the year written down and just couldn't wait to execute them all. That morning, I retired to bed happily even though I was a bit overwhelmed.

January went by smoothly.. I was calm knowing fully well that everything was under control or so I thought.😁😁😁..

February, I started executing some of my plans ,some of which were preparing for my professional exams and my visa application. I was calm because everything was still smooth and under control, until rumors went round bout a certain virus which originated from China and causing more harm than good in the lives of innocent humans. At first, I said to myself don't panic, isn't this the same way we heard of deadly viruses like Ebola, and Lasser fever. Anyways, I was calm and continued with my plans, with a prayer to God to take control of the situation. Then, March came and BOOM!!! the world became quiet. It was like during the time of Noah in the bible. That was how I viewed it.

Well, I like every other humans, waited and prayed patiently that this would be old news, but instead, time flew without anyone noticing and soon it was May. We were still locked in our homes, working and performing all activities from home, and also obeying all government's rules which included wearing a face mask, maintaining social distance and washing hands regularly or using a hand sanitizer.
Although, I never stepped out from my home for once, but I said to myself, this wasn't part of the plan and almost went crazy because I had to put everything in my to-do lists on hold.
The only exciting thing that happened for me was being able to learn some new skills, apart from baking. This is something I never thought I could do. I learnt photography and video editing and also took up some professional course on project management on EdX. I downloaded lot of editors and educational apps just to keep me busy and entertained, while working my normal job from home. I also started my home workouts. All of these were very challenging for me and there were days I wasn't motivated to do anything. I am grateful that despite it all, I and my family are OK. I know I didn't get to click all the things on my to-do list, but I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to learn some skills on my own, and the knowledge I have acquired. There's a saying that in every bad situation, there is a good. This phrase reminded me not to give up, it reminded me that I have a lot to be thankful to God for. Now, things are getting back to normal after being locked in for almost 6months, and I'm wondering if I would have had the opportunity to learn all these skills if the pandemic never came (laughing).. Truly all things work for good.

P.S: I just felt like sharing my experience and hope you enjoy the read. I would also like to hear from you my friends. How was your 2020 and covid 19 experience? Did you learn a skill during the lockdown? Please feel free to share with me. I'm a good listener.. I mean reader. 😁😊

© Nma Elinwa