

Our encounter
We met once again. Once again continued the silence. All the flooding memories and thoughts about about him, from my side. I wanted to apologise. But I didn't know what for.
It wasn't my fault we didn't talk. Ghosting seems to be the new trand, so why not test it on me.
I broke the silence. Whispering my breath asking to catch up. It didn't matter what you were going to reply. I was already feeling a rush to leave but you said yes.
Yes with a smile on your face and I melted. Not in a cunning way, I directed you to the dessert shop.

It was silent. Not like before. I set anxiously awaiting for you to say something.

The words I wanted to tell you were stuck in my throat. So were the feelings. But not the apology, I was somewhere else in the world, "it's not my fault"…

© Staircase